Operation; Operation Safety Precautions; Belt Tracking - HYTROL RB Manual De Instalación Y Mantenimiento

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Figure 5A
"Racked" conveyor sections will cause package to
travel toward side of conveyor.
controlled or must be controlled from a remote location, an audible device
shall be provided which can be clearly heard at all points along the conveyor
where personnel may be present. The warning device shall be actuated by
the controller device starting the conveyor and shall continue for a required
period of time before the conveyor starts. A flashing light or similar visual
warning may be used in conjunction with or in place of the audible device if
more effective in particular circumstances.
Where system function would be seriously hindered or adversely
affected by the required time delay or where the intent of the warning may
be misinterpreted (i.e., a work area with many different conveyors and allied
devices), clear, concise, and legible warning shall be provided. The warning
shall indicate that conveyors and allied equipment may be started at any
time, that danger exists, and that personnel must keep clear. The warnings
shall be provided along the conveyor at areas not guarded by position or
C) Remotely and automatically controlled conveyors, and conveyors where
operator stations are not manned or are beyond voice and visual contact
from drive areas, loading areas, transfer points, and other potentially haz-
ardous locations on the conveyor path not guarded by location, position,
or guards, shall be furnished with emergency stop buttons, pull cords, limit
switches, or similar emergency stop devices.
All such emergency stop devices shall be easily identifiable in the
immediate vicinity of such locations unless guarded by location, position, or
guards. Where the design, function, and operation of such conveyor clearly
is not hazardous to personnel, an emergency stop device is not required.
The emergency stop device shall act directly on the control of the con-
veyor concerned and shall not depend on the stopping of any other equip-
ment. The emergency stop devices shall be installed so that they cannot be
overridden from other locations.
d) Inactive and unused actuators, controllers, and wiring should be
removed from control stations and panel boards, together with obsolete dia-
grams, indicators, control labels, and other material which serve to confuse
the operator.
A) All safety devices, including wiring of electrical safety devices, shall be
arranged to operate in a "fail-Safe" manner, that is, if power failure or failure
of the device itself would occur, a hazardous condition must not result.
B) Emergency Stops and Restarts. Conveyor controls shall be so arranged
that, in case of emergency stop, manual reset or start at the location where
the emergency stop was initiated, shall be required of the conveyor(s) and
associated equipment to resume operation.
C) Before restarting a conveyor which has been stopped because of an
emergency, an inspection of the conveyor shall be made and the cause of
the stoppage determined. The starting device shall be locked out before
any attempt is made to remove the cause of stoppage, unless operation is
necessary to determine the cause or to safely remove the stoppage.
Refer to ANSI z244.1-1982, American National Standard for Personnel
Protection – Lockout/Tagout of Energy Sources – minimum Safety
Requirements and OSHA Standard Number 29 CfR 1910.147 "The Control
of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout)."
5 5
secciones ¡descuadradas! del transportador hacen
que el producto se mueva hacia un lado del trans-


• Operation Safety Precautions

A) Only trained employees shall be permitted to operate conveyors. Training
shall include instruction in operation under normal conditions and emergency
B) Where employee safety is dependent upon stopping and/or starting devic-
es, they shall be kept free of obstructions to permit ready access.
C) The area around loading and unloading points shall be kept clear of
obstructions which could endanger personnel.
d) No person shall ride the load-carrying element of a conveyor under any
circumstances unless that person is specifically authorized by the owner or
employer to do so. Under those circumstances, such employee shall only
ride a conveyor which incorporates within its supporting structure, platforms
or control stations specifically designed for carrying personnel. Under no
circumstances shall any person ride on any element of a vertical conveyor.
Owners of conveyors should affix warning devices to the conveyor reading
do Not Ride Conveyor.
E) Personnel working on or near a conveyor shall be instructed as to the
location and operation of pertinent stopping devices.
f) A conveyor shall be used to transport only material it is capable of handling
G) Under no circumstances shall the safety characteristics of the conveyor
be altered if such alterations would endanger personnel.
H) Routine inspections and preventive and corrective maintenance programs
shall be conducted to insure that all safety features and devices are retained
and function properly.
I) Personnel should be alerted to the potential hazard of entanglement in
conveyors caused by items such as long hair, loose clothing, and jewelry.
J) As a general rule, conveyors should not be cleaned while in operation.
Where proper cleaning requires the conveyor to be in motion and a hazard
exists, personnel should be made aware of the associated hazard.

• Belt Tracking

The belt is tracking by adjusting: drive Pulley, Tail Pulley, Return Idlers, and
Snub Idlers. The same tracking principles apply to conveyors supplied with
end drives, center drives, or underside take-ups.
Before attempting to physically track the belt:
1. make sure conveyor is level across the width and length of unit. Adjust
supports as necessary.
2. Check to make sure: drive Pulley, Tail Pulley, Snub Idlers, and all Return
Idlers are square with conveyor bed. See illustrations 6B, 6C, 6E, and 6d.
dimension "A" should be equal on both sides of unit.
3. make sure belt has been properly threaded through conveyor.
See page 4.
4. make sure belt lacing has been installed correctly and is square with the
belt. See page 4.
5. Check for improper loading. feed should be in direction of belt travel,
centered on belt.
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