With this method you can create your own parameters , use reagents from
other manufacturers and / or perform processes with the PrimeLab that are
not shown on the offered ID / parameters.
This requires that you familiarize yourself with the colorimetry of the water
sample AFTER addition of the reagent that you want to use. Select the
wavelength of your sample after addition of the reagent to be used by
selecting the closest colour match:
(see also, under the heading "The PrimeLab ",
sub-heading "The sensor")
ID 114 / transmission 420nm - purple / bluish coloured samples
ID 115 / transmission 470nm - bluish-coloured samples
ID 116 / transmission 520nm - greenish coloured samples
ID 117 / transmission 570nm - yellowish coloured samples
ID 118 / transmission 620nm - orange coloured samples
ID 119 / transmission 670nm - reddish coloured samples
At the end of measurement you receive a value of "Transmission".
"Transmission" in % means how much light (compared to ZERO
measurement = 100%) on this colour wavelength after testing the water
sample, eg Addition of a reagent.
Simply measure several water samples with different concentrations of the
measured ingredient on the same wavelength to record your own values
using the determined transmission results.
Name on device: 119-Transm-670nm
0 - 100 %