7.2. Disabling of zones
The control panel allows disable zones if it is necessary.
Power supply will be cut on the disabled zones and no event will be generated on them.
In order to disable or re-enable a zone, the procedure is as follows:
1) Activate access level 2 (press the control keys once in the following order: Zone
Selection, Reset/Autotest, Zone Selection, Reset/Autotest).
2) Select the zone which is to be disabled using the control key Select Zone.
3) Press the General Disable control key.
Note: Enabling / disabling of the zone shall be indicated by "R" indication led (see chapter
Figure 10: Control keys and indicators used for disabling zones.
Ctra. de Molins de Rei a Rubí, Km. 8,4 - 08191 RUBÍ (Barcelona) ESPAÑA.
Conventional Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Control Panel