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Istruzione di montaggio Assembling Instruction Montageanleitung Instructions pour le montage Instrucciones para el montaje Instruções de Montagem Box Avec Moi...
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Lista delle parti Parts list Stückliste Liste des pièces Lista de partes Lista de peças...
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Il Box doccia AVEC MOI, realizzato in alluminio, vetro e pannelli in stratificato, é stato studiato per poter essere installato in un angolo destro, sinistro, a parete, in nicchia, FREESTANDING o FREESTANDING + PAN PLUS. Deve essere posta molta attenzione durante il montaggio al fine di assemblare il box nel modo appropriato per garantire un’agevole ispezione in caso di manutenzioni successive.
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Die Duschkabine AVEC MOI, aus Aluminium, Glas und Verbundplatten wurde für die Installation in einer rechten oder linken Ecke, an der Wand, in einer Nische, FREESTANDING und FREESTANDING + PAN PLUS konzipiert. Aus diesem Grund muss während der Montage darauf geachtet wer- den, dass die Duschkabine auf die richtige Weise zusammengebaut wird, um im Falle von späteren Wartungsarbeiten einen mühelosen Zugang zu gewährleisten.
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La cabina de ducha AVEC MOI, realizada en aluminio, cristal y paneles de estratificado, ha sido estudiada para su instalación en una esquina derecha, izquierda, a pared, en nicho, FREESTANDING e FREESTANDING + PAN PLUS. Debe ponerse mucha atención durante el montaje para ensamblar la cabina de la manera apropiada y garantizar así...
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110 98 A. Uscita acqua calda 3/4"F C. Stromversorgung (siehe hinweis) B. Uscita acqua fredda 3/4" F D. Ablass Ø 40 mm C. Alim. elettrica (vedi note) [mm] D. Scarico Ø 40 mm A. Sortie eau chaude 3/4" F B. Sortie eau froide 3/4" F A.
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A. Uscita acqua calda 3/4"F B. Uscita acqua fredda 3/4" F C. Alimentazione elettrica (vedi note) D. Scarico Ø 40 mm A. Hot water outlet 3/4" F B. Cold water outlet 3/4" F C. Power supply (see note) D. Drain Ø 40 mm A.
Le istruzioni relative all’installazione devono essere eseguite solo da personale qualificato ed abilitato a certificare il lavoro svolto nel rispetto delle norme e leggi vigenti. La Kos declina ogni responsabilità per danni a persone, animali o cose derivate da un’installazione eseguita da personale non qualificato, in violazione a norme o leggi vigenti o non aderenti alle istruzioni del presente manuale.
Les instructions pour l’installation ne doivent être exécutées que par du personnel qualifié et autorisé à certifier le travail exécuté dans le respect des normes et des lois en vigueur. La société Kos décline toute responsabilité pour les dommages aux personnes, animaux ou choses dérivant d’une installation exécutée par du personnel non qualifié, non conforme aux normes ou lois en vigueur ou ne respectant pas les instructions contenues dans ce manuel.
As instruções relativas à instalação só podem ser efectuadas por pessoal qualificado e habilitado a certificar o trabalho realizado no respeito das normas e leis em vigor. A Kos não se responsabiliza por danos a pessoas, animais ou coisas derivadas de uma instalação efectuada por pessoal não qualificado, em violação de normas ou leis em vigor ou não conformes as instruções deste manual.
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INDICE - INDEX SOMMAIRE - INHALTSSVERZEICHNIS ÍNDICE - ÍNDICE Posizionamento piatto - Positioning of the tray Positionnement du receveur - Positionierung der Duschtasse Colocación del plato - Posicionamento da base Installazione struttura parte attrezzata Installation of equipped wall structure Installation de la structure paroi équipée Installation des mit Düsen ausgestatteten Strukturteils Instalación de la estructura de la pared equipada Instalação estrutura parte equipada...
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Imballo Verpackung D - S - P - C Freestanding Packing Embalaje PAN PLUS Emballage Embalagem Freestanding...
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P815648 P815655 P815656 P815658 P88750 P815657 P815940 P815661 P815659 P815716 P815717 P815660 P815705 P815415 Pan Plus P88863 P88934 Pan Plus P88862 P88933 P88861 P88760 P815662 P815515 P815993...
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Fase Phase Montageschritt min. 10 mm min. 1354 mm umfang enthalten...
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Fase D - S - P Phase Montageschritt umfang enthalten min. 10 mm min. 10 mm min. 10 mm min. min. 10 mm 10 mm...
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Fase Freestanding Phase A A A U PAN PLUS Freestanding Montageschritt umfang enthalten...
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Fase D - S - P - C Freestanding Phase PAN PLUS Montageschritt Freestanding...
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Fase D - S - P - C Freestanding Phase PAN PLUS Montageschritt Freestanding...
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Fase D - S - P - C Freestanding Phase PAN PLUS Freestanding Montageschritt Frestanding Frestanding PAN PLUS...
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Fase D - S - P - C Freestanding Phase PAN PLUS Freestanding Montageschritt Frestanding Frestanding PAN PLUS...
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Fase D - S - P - C Freestanding Phase PAN PLUS Freestanding Montageschritt...
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Fase D - S - P - C Freestanding Phase PAN PLUS Freestanding Montageschritt...
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Fase D - S - P - C Freestanding Phase PAN PLUS Freestanding Montageschritt...
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Fase D - S - P - C Freestanding Phase A D A M PAN PLUS Freestanding Montageschritt...
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Fase D - S - P - C Freestanding Phase PAN PLUS Freestanding Montageschritt Fase Phase Montageschritt Frestanding/Frestanding PAN PLUS...
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Fase D - S - P - C Freestanding Phase PAN PLUS Freestanding Montageschritt S - P - C S - P - C...
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Fase D - S - P - C Freestanding Phase PAN PLUS Freestanding Montageschritt...
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Fase D - S - P - C Freestanding Phase PAN PLUS Freestanding Montageschritt...
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Fase D - S - P - C Freestanding Phase PAN PLUS Freestanding Montageschritt Frestanding Frestanding PAN PLUS...
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Fase D - S - P - C Freestanding Phase PAN PLUS Freestanding Montageschritt...
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Fase D - S - P - C Freestanding Phase PAN PLUS Freestanding Montageschritt...
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Fase D - S - P - C Freestanding Phase PAN PLUS Freestanding Montageschritt q.tà 2...
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Fase D - S - P - C Freestanding Phase PAN PLUS Freestanding Montageschritt ø3 ø3...
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Fase D - S - P - C Freestanding Phase PAN PLUS Freestanding Montageschritt...
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COLLEGAMENTI SULLA PARETE Fase D - S - P - C ATTREZZATA Phase Montageschritt Effettuare i seguenti collegamenti sul retro della parete attrezzata: Descrizione rif. 3 / 4 ” 1 / 2 Alimentazione 220 V ” 3 / 4 Flessibili acqua calda/fredda ”...
Fase RACCORDEMENTS SUR LA PAROI ÉQUIPÉE Phase Freestanding Montageschritt Effectuer les raccordements suivants sur l’arrière de la paroi équipée : réf. Description Alimentation 220 V Flexibles eau chaude/froide Douchette manuelle Note : au cas où il serait nécessaire pour un futur entretien d’accéder aux raccordements électriques et hydrauliques, il est conseillé...
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Fase Freestanding Phase PAN PLUS Montageschritt Pan Plus...
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Fase D - S - P - C D - S - P - C Freestanding Phase PAN PLUS Montageschritt Freestanding Freestanding Fase 7 17 20 Phase Montageschritt Large show- Pomme de 4 Soffione Kopfbrause Rociador Chuveiro er head douche...
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Fase Attenzione! Una volta posizionata la parete attrezzata, verificare di non aver schiacciato i tubi Phase in silicone che collegano i getti cromati del vapore. Montageschritt Attention! Once positioned the equipped panel, make sure that you have not crushed the silicone pipes that connect the chromed jets to the steam.
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Fase Freestanding Phase PAN PLUS Montageschritt Freestanding...
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Fase D - S - P - C Freestanding Phase PAN PLUS Freestanding Montageschritt...
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Fase D - S - P - C Freestanding Phase PAN PLUS Freestanding Montageschritt...
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Fase Fase Phase Phase Montageschritt Montageschritt D - S - P - C Freestanding PAN PLUS Freestanding Pan Plus...
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COLLEGAMENTI IDRAULICI PLUMBING CONNECTIONS Controllare i seguenti collegamenti: Check the following connections: Descrizione rif. Description ref. Rubinetteria Getti dorsali Tap fixture Dorsal jets Rubinetteria Doccetta manuale Tap fixture Manual shower head Termostatico Rubinetteria Thermostatic Tap fixtures Rubinetteria Soffione Tap fixture Shower head Termostatico Caldaia...
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Fase D - S - P - C Freestanding Phase PAN PLUS Freestanding Montageschritt IDROCOLORE ® RADIO RADIO ~ 220 V 4000/6000 W CONTROL BOX CONTROL...
COLLEGAMENTI ELETTRICI ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS Prima di effettuare i collegamenti leggere attentamente il Before making electrical connections, carefully read the capitolo relativo alle "Avvertenze di sicurezza". chapter on "Safety warning". Effettuare (cavi in grigio scuro) o controllare se già effettuati dal Make the connections shown in the table below (light grey Costruttore (cavi in grigio chiaro) i collegamenti indicati nella cables)or check if they have previously been made by the...
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Fase D - S - P - C Freestanding Phase PAN PLUS Freestanding Montageschritt...
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Fase D - S - P - C Freestanding Phase PAN PLUS Freestanding Montageschritt...
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Fase D - S - P - C Freestanding Phase A E A F PAN PLUS Freestanding Montageschritt Frestanding Frestanding PAN PLUS...
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Fase D - S - P - C Freestanding Phase PAN PLUS Freestanding Montageschritt Freestanding Freestanding Pan P. Freestanding...
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Fase D - S - P - C Freestanding Phase PAN PLUS Freestanding Montageschritt...
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Viale De La Comina,17 -33170 Pordenone ITALY Tel.++39 0434 363405 /Fax.++39 0434 551292 Sito internet:http://www.kositalia.com E-Mail:[email protected] L’azienda produttrice si riserva il diritto di apportare in qualunque La sociedad se reserva el derecho de aportar modificaciones La société se réserve le droit d’apporter à ses produits ou momento, senza preavviso, modifiche a prodotti o accessori al produto sin previo aviso.