immerse the scale in water.
any complaint, first check the batteries and replace them if necessary.
3. Information on the diagnostic scale
The measuring principle of the diagnostic scale
This scale operates according to the B.I.A. principle (bioelectric impedance analysis). This enables physical
relationships to be measured within seconds by means of an undetectable, completely harmless electric
current. The body fat percentage and other physical relationships in the body can be determined by mea-
analytical medical data. Only a specialist physician can accurately determine body fat, body water, muscle
percentage and bone structure using medical procedures (e.g. computed tomography).
General tips
– If possible, always weigh yourself at the same time of day (preferably in the morning), after using the toi-
– Important for the measurement: body fat can only be measured when barefoot and with the soles of the
– Stand still during the measurement.
– Wait approx. 15 minutes after getting up in the morning to allow the water in the body to distribute.
– children under approx. 10 years,
– pregnant women,
legs considerably shortened or lengthened).
4. Batteries
tery completely and reinsert it.