Figure 2
In the presence of magnetic fields the pump must be protected using
a ferromagnetic shield. See the appendix "Technical Information" for
detailed information.
The Special Turbo-V 1K-G must be connected to a primary pump (see
"Technical Information").
Pump Fixing
If a rotor failure occurs, the connection of the pump to the system could be
subjected to a significant torque. If the connection is not sufficient to
withstand that torque, the pump could detach from the system or the motor
housing could detach from the pump envelope. In this case metal fragments
could be projected from the pump or system, which could cause serious
injury or death and/or damage to surrounding equipment.
Fix the Special Turbo-V 1K-G in a stable position mounting the inlet
flange of the turbopump to the system counter-flange, with a
connection capable of withstanding a torque of 8900 Nm around its
axis. The following table shows, for ISO 160 F inlet flange, the
necessary number of screws and the relevant fixing torque.
Special Turbo-V 1K-G User Manual / 87-901-006-01 (A)
Instructions for Use
Pump Fixing