and T. They are locatedin the area just
above theprimerbulb.
When makingadjustments, d o notforce
the plasticlimitercaps beyondthe
stopsor damagewilloccur.
If carburetor p resetsare not needed,
proceed to =idleAdjustments."
, Turn bothmixture screwscounter-
cfockwise untiltheystop.
• Turnthe idle speedscrewclockwise
untilit stops.Now turncounterclock-
Startmotor,let it runfor 3 minutes,and
proceedto the adjustment s ection.If
enginedoesnot start,refer totrouble,
shooting chart or call 1-800-235-5878.
If engineperformance is acceptableat
the presetpositions and there isno
chainmovementat idle,no furtherad-
justmentis necessary.
Idle Speed "T"
Allowengineto idle. Adjustspeed until
enginerunswithout chain movementor
• Turnclockwise to increase engine
speed if enginestallsor dies.
• Turn counterclockwise to decrease
No further adjustments are necessaryif
chaindoesnot moveat idlespeed and
ifperformance issatisfactory.
Low Speed Mixture "U'
Allowengineto idle.Then accelerate
the engineand noteperformance. I f en-
ginehesitates,bogsdown,or smokes
duringacceleration, t urnmixturescrew
clockwise in !/16-turnincrements until
performance is satisfactory. Repeat this
procedure as necessary for properad-
justment. A ftercompleting adjustments,
checkfor acceleration and chainmove-
mentat idle. Resetifnecessary.
High Speed Mixture "H"
DO NOT operateengineat full throttle
for prolonged periodswhilemaking ad-
justments. D amage tothe enginecan
occur.Makea test cut. Basedon per-
formance ofthe saw whilecutting,ad-
justthe highSpeed mixture settingin
1i16otum increments as follows:
* Clockwise untilthesaw hasgood
powerin thecutwithno hesitation.
Do not adjustby soundor speed, but
judgeby howwellthesaw performs in
• Countemlockwise i f thesaw has
speed,butdies inthe cut or lacks
powerin the cut.
Aftercompleting adjustments, c heckfor
acceleration and chainmovementat
idle. Resetif necessary.
Acceleration Check
If the enginedies or hesitatesinsteadof
accelerating, t urnthe lowspeed mixture
adjustment counterclockwise untilyou
havesmoothacceleration with no chain
movementat idle.Recheckand adjust
as necessary for acceptableperfor-
Prepareyour unitfor storageat the end
of the seasonor if it willnot be usedfor
30 days or more.
• Allowtheengineto coot,and secure
the unitbefore storingor transporting.
• Storechainsaw and fuel in a well
ventilated area wherefuel vapors
cannotreach sparksor openflames
from waterheaters,electricmotorsor
switches,fumecas, etc.
• Storechainsaw withall guardsin
place and positionchainsaw so that
any sharpobjectcannotaccidentally
cause injury.
• Storechainsaw well out ofthe reach
of children.
ff yourchainsaw is tObe storedfor a
periodoftime;Cleanit thoroughlybe -=
fore storage_ Store;ina _le_,_dry _rea.
. Lightlyoile_emal metal Surfaces and
guidebar_ .....
, ; ........
• Oil thechainand wrapit in h_avypa-
per Orcloth_
Under FuelingEnginein the Operating
Sectionofthismanual,see message
labeledIMPORTANT r egarding the use
of gasoholin yourchainsaw.
Fuelstabilizer is an acceptable alterna-
tive in minimizingthe formation of fuel
gum deposits duringstorage.Addstabi,
lizer to thegasolinein thefuel tankor
fuel storagecontainer. F ollowthe mix