Energizer doesn't operate
Electric fence voltage is
below 3000V or your stock
are escaping
Gallagher 3E1773 Ba ery Powered Energizer User Manual
Possible Causes(s)
Energizer Off
Incorrect ba ery voltage
Incorrect ba ery connec on
Ba ery is fl at
Faulty Energizer
Faulty Energizer
Inadequate earthing
Short on the fence line
Solu on
Switch ON
For B700: use 12V ba ery, for
B1600: use 12V, 24V or 36V ba ery
Connect red lead to the (+)
terminal of ba ery, black lead to (-)
Ba ery voltage should be greater
than 11.8V
Have Energizer repaired
Turn Energizer OFF and remove the
fence wire from the Red terminal
(For B1600 remove the fence wire
from the Yellow terminal if the
REDUCED POWER op on is being
Turn Energizer ON again.
Using a Digital Volt Meter (G5030)
check the voltage across the
terminals. If the voltage is less than
5000V, have Energizer repaired.
Improve the earth system by adding
more galvanised earth stakes to the
earth system un l the earth voltage
is 200V or below.
Check the electrical connec ons
are secure
eg. from the fence to the red
terminal, from the earth system to
the green terminal, at gates etc.
Check the voltage on the fence
every 33m (100 ) using the Digital
Volt Meter. Note if the voltage is
dropping. The closer to a fault, the
lower the voltage reading will be.
Become aware of things that cause
faults and always be on the lookout
for: stray pieces
wire on the
fence, heavy vegeta on growth,
cracked or broken insulators,
broken wires.