Figure 4-3: Sweep sequencer function of R&S ZNB / R&S ZNBT firmware
In this way the FEM programming can be incorporated into the sweep sequence
and adapted as required for the individual frequency segments. The segmented
sweep function makes it possible to measure a variety of parameters, including
insertion loss, isolation or reflection, in a single sweep for various configurations
of the FEM. This results in efficient FEM characterization.
The R&S ZN-Z15 can also be used to read the contents of the registers of a fron-
tend module. This information can be used to improve testing, particularly in pro-
duction applications. For example, a frontend module ID can be read and subse-
quently made available during the production process. By reading the registers,
the FEM programming can also be verified by checking if the registers were set
The described functionality is also available via SCPI commands. See the
user manual of your R&S ZNB or R&S ZNBT for details.
User Manual 1177.5479.02 ─ 02