This manual describes the external RFFE/GPIO (MIPI) interface R&S
that is available in the following variants:
● R&S
ZN-Z15 Variant 02 (order no. 1325.5905.02)
● R&S
ZN-Z15 Variant 03 (order no. 1325.5905.03) including voltage/current
It also covers the following accessories that are shipped with this product:
● R&S
ZN-Z25, RFFE Cable with Adaptors (order no. 1334.3424.02)
The software contained in this product uses several valuable open source software packages. For infor-
mation, see the "Open Source Acknowledgment" on the user documentation CD-ROM (included in deliv-
Rohde & Schwarz would like to thank the open source community for their valuable contribution to embed-
ded computing.
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Subject to change – Data without tolerance limits is not binding.
is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG.
Trade names are trademarks of their owners.
Throughout this manual R&S
is abbreviated as R&S.