Installation and Adjustment
The flow direction must coincide with the arrow on the housing. The valve can be
installed in any mounting position. The pipe must be thoroughly flushed prior to
installation of the pressure reducer to prevent impurities picked up by the medium
having an impact on the satisfactory operation.
Before commissioning the pressure reducer, it should be ensured that both
pressure gauge connections on the housing are sealed with pressure gauges or
sealing plugs.
The desired outlet pressure (Fig. a) is set by lifting the hand wheel out of the locking
position (1) and then turning it (2). The outlet pressure is increased by turning clock-
wise and lowered by turning anticlockwise. For higher set pressures, the pressure
can also be set with an Allen key at the top hexagonal socket. The hand wheel also
has to be unlocked by raising it. During this adjustment always observe that, based
on pressure and friction losses, the end pressure adjusted at zero consumption is
reduced further when drawing water, in dependence of the quantity drawn off. The
set pressure is ensured by pushing the hand wheel down (3). The set desired value
can be checked at the pressure gauge arranged on the secondary pressure side.
If the pressure reducing valve has a secondary pressure relief (version "S"), the
outlet pressure can be reduced by turning the hand wheel anticlockwise even with
zero consumption. The medium then escapes into the atmosphere through a hole
in the spring cover. Optionally, the device can also be supplied without a secondary
pressure relief (version "O").
The device should be checked at intervals which correspond to the respective
operating conditions in order to eliminate any faulty operation which may be caused
by impurities, scaling and natural wear.
After long periods of non-use the function of the valve must be tested.
When carrying out assembly work on the pressure reducer the corresponding
system part must always be relieved of pressure and emptied, depending on the
medium used. At high temperatures you must always wait for the temperature to
cool down to ambient temperature.