Devices and scenes can be activated/deactivated automatically with the timer option. To create a timer program for a
single device: select that device in the main menu and press the timer button. To create a timer program for a scene:
press the scenes button in the main menu, select the scene and then press the timer button.
Double-click to
Double-click to select
select the month
the day(s) on which the
in which the timer
timer should be active,
should be active.
or select a specific date.
Adding/duplicating/removing/saving timer programs
Press add to insert a new row for a new timer program. Press copy to duplicate an existing row. Press delete
to remove a timer program. Press OK to save the timer programs (or press back to return to the main menu
without saving any changes).
Double-click to select
a fixed or variable time
(random) or sunrise/
sunset moment to
activate the timer
For single devices: double-click to
select a command (on, off or a certain
dim value).
For scenes: the command for each
device (on, off or a certain dim value) is
already set in the scene itself.