RT3422 Tapping Tool
Tapping Capacity ..........3/4 – 2"
Mounting........................Saddle mount, welded nipple,
Cutter Travel..................14" max.
Actuation .......................Hand ratchet, air ratchet, or
Type of Pipe ..................Steel, plastic, ductile iron,
Cutter Feed ...................Rotation of sleeve around
Pressures ......................Water: 500 psig @ 100 F
Weight ...........................17 lbs. for tool and ratchet
Standard Equipment
RT3422 Machine only ...Tool body with bleed valve
RT3422 3/4" – 1" Set ...Tool body with bleed valve
RT3422 3/4" – 2" Set ...Tool body with bleed valve
Operating Instructions
1. Determine exactly which pipe needs to be tapped into.
Follow the pipe as far as possible to ensure that it is
indeed the pipe that requires tapping and record the
media (what is in the pipe) and the pressure on a
copy of the worksheet at the back of this manual.
2. Determine exactly where the pipe needs to be tapped.
Consider not only the best route for the new line but
also the effect that any chips from the tapping oper-
ation could have on downstream equipment. Consider
Weld-O-Let™, Thread-O-Let™
right angle drill
cast iron
threaded acme barrel
Steam, air, natural gas: 150
psi @ 370° F
Tool box
Ratchet wrench
Small shaft extension
Small hole saw arbor
3/4" and 1" valve adapters
2 spud wrenches
Tool box
Ratchet wrench
Small shaft extension
Large shaft extension
Small hole saw arbor
Large hole saw arbor
", 1
", 2" valve
3/4", 1", 1
2 spud wrenches
the orientation of the tap, tapping the top of the pipe
may drop chips into the tapped pipe whereas tapping
the bottom of the pipe will tend to drop the chips
back into the tool. Use of the "Bleed Valve Assembly"
will tend to wash away most of the chips if open
during the entire drilling operation.
3. Determine whether a service saddle or a weld-in-
place Thread-O-Let™ or Weld-O-Let™ will be used to
mount the valve to the main. Consider the advan-
tages and disadvantages of each type. Record this
connection data on the worksheet at the back of
this manual.
The Thread-O-Let™ or Weld-O-Let™ can only be
welded to a compatible metal pipe and may have a
maximum pressure rating, however the weld integrity
to the pipe is virtually impossible to certify without x-
rays. The media in the pipe may adversely affect
weld penetration due to chilling or worse, the weld
may penetrate far enough into the pipe to allow the
pressure in the pipe to blow through the hot, molten
weld puddle. A service saddle can be used on any
type of pipe that has a compatible outside diameter.
Service saddles have a known pressure rating, how-
ever if for some reason the integrity of the strap
hardware should fail this type of joint can fail as well.
4. Select which "corporation stop" or valve is to be
used. (A corporation stop is a valve with a square lug
for a wrench instead of a hand wheel to open and
close the valve. This is to ensure that the valve is not
operated inadvertently or by unauthorized personnel.)
Just about any valve that has an adequate pres-
sure rating, made of a material compatible with the
media, is short enough and opens in a manner that
will allow the cutter to completely pass through it
unhindered may be used. Only a full port ball, plug
or gate valve will work. Check to be sure the cut-
ter will pass through the valve before mounting
the valve and tool. If it does not fit another brand or
type of valve may be required.
5. Assemble the tool for use and determine the feasibility
of the tapping operation. This is to confirm whether
the planned configuration will allow enough stroke to
complete the tap or if the configuration could allow the
over-penetration of the far side of the pipe. Select the
correct valve adapter, pilot drill, extension, and saw
adapter from the following Valve Adapter Selection
chart. The Flow Chart will assist the operator in de-
termining the required equipment to perform the tap.
Ridge Tool Company