Fence Zone 1–6
View the Fence Zone performances by pressing the naviga on bu ons (< or >) un l
the zone indica on arrow is highligh ng the desired fence zone (1–6). The fence
zones voltage, current and alarm informa on is displayed in the same way as the
Energizer output informa on. See Energizer Output and Alarms sec on (p.14).
To adjust or turn off the fence zone alarms, see Adjus ng/Turning Off Alarms sec on
Low Ba ery
When viewing a zone, if the ba ery icon is displayed, then the zone device needs a
ba ery replacement.
Adjus ng the energizer output voltage
Press the setup bu on (
bu ons ( < or >) to highlight the quickscan bargraph display (it will start
fl ashing).
Press (+ or -) to adjust the output voltage up or down. The output voltage can
be adjusted from 4.5KV to 9KV. The factory default se ng is 9KV.
To exit the setup mode wait 10 seconds or press the setup bu on (
Gallagher 3E4752 M5000i Energizer User Manual
Controller showing zone 2 with a low ba ery
) to enter setup mode and use the naviga on
Controller showing the output voltage being adjusted