Fig. 25
14. Bleeding: Lift must be fully lowered before changing or
adding fluid. Raise and lower lift six times. The cylinder is
self-bleeding. After bleeding system, fluid level in power unit
reservoir may be down. Add more ATF, if necessary, following
instructions in Step 12.
To pressure test, run lift to full rise and run motor for ap-
proximately 5 seconds. Stop and check all fittings and hose
connections. Tighten or reseal if required. Lower lift. If fill/
breather, Fig. 19, is lost or broken, order replacement.
Note: Some test fluid may be spilled from the cylinder breather
vent during bleeding of the system.
15. Assemble ramp/chocks to rear of runways using hinge pins
and cotter pins, Fig. 26.
16. Final Adjustments:
A. Load vehicle such as an RV onto lift.
B. Raise lift to full height. You will hear the locking latch click
through all 18 latch slots.
C. Lower lift onto topmost latch position.
D. Check latch clearance.
Starting with the right front column: use a straight edge
to mark the yoke height on the column, Fig. 27.
Raise lift to full height again. Mark second position. If
gap between two marks is less than 2", adjust locking
latch bar to reach clearance of 2".
Adjust locking latch bar adjusting nut so that the bottom
of the topmost latch bar slot is at least 2" below locking
latch, Fig. 28. After adjustment, tighten jam nut under-
neath column top plate, Fig. 28.
If entire 2" clearance cannot be attained by adjusting the
Y Fitting
1/4" Air Line in Runway
1/4" Air Line To Lift
Left Runway
locking latch bar, adjust the cable stud. Loosen cable
jam nut, Fig. 27, and turn adjusting nut to raise the locking
latch 2" above bottom of latch bar slot. Tighten cable jam nut.
Lower lift and remove vehicle.
Raise the lift to full height. Listen and watch as the locking
latches click in place. Synchronize the other three columns
with the right front column by adjusting their cables so all
four latches click at same time. Tighten jam nuts.
When making changes to adjustment nuts on
cable end or latch bar stud always leave at least two threads
showing between nut and end.
Note: Latches may not click in at the same time when vehicle is
being raised. They should be close. Be sure all four corners have
passed the locking latch bar slot before lowering lift on locking
Cotter pins are usually good for onetime use
only. Replace any cotter pin, if removed, with a new cotter pin.
Y Fitting