Only the following switches can be handled: SWIN, SWBYP (if present), SWOUT, external UPS battery line
switch and, necessary, SWMB (see paragraph "Manual bypass (SWMB)")
Visual connection inspection
Check that all connections have carefully been made according to the paragraph "Electrical connections."
Check that all switches are open (except for the QN switch, locked in the closed position).
Closing the external UPS battery line switch/fuses
After having checked proper connection polarity, close the external UPS battery line switch/fuses
Attention: any connection made not in compliance with instructions stated in paragraph "Electrical
connections" may have damaged the battery fuses and other protections; in this case, call for assistance to
avoid further damage to the UPS.
UPS Power
Close protections upstream to the UPS.
Closing the SWMB Manual bypass switch
Close the SWMB manual bypass switch and check that output voltage is present.
Re-open the SWMB switch.
Closing input switches
Close the SWIN and SWBYP input switches (if present).
: the QN switch is for Service personnel use only and must remain closed with its safety lock.
GM 360 380 PRO
GM 3100 PRO