Usingthe oven.
To avoid possible bums, place the racks in the desired position before you turn the oven on.
Before yon begin...
The racks have stop-lock_,, so that when
[)laced correcfl? on the supports, tile? will
stop be[ore coming (omplet_ ly out, and
will not tilt.
and removing
pull the ]'d(k ollt tO the bump
on tile
rock support.
Toremove a rack, ptfll it toward you, lilt
the front ell([ tip and pul[ it kilt.
Toreplace, place file end ot the rack
(_,top-locks) on the sul)po]% tilt up tile
k-oat and push lhe rock ill.
/VOTE: Theovenhas7 rackpoeitions
CAUTION: Never place cooking u tensils o ranyother
items ontheoven floorThere i sa heating d ement
beneath t heoven floorPlacing i tems ontheoven floor
may cause theoven tooverheat, resulting in damage
totheoven andrisk ofdamage o rfiretocabinets.
i!i ii iiiii iiiiiiiill
NOTE:A cooling fan may
automaticafly turn on and off to
cool k_temal parts This is normal,
and the fan may continue to nm
even after the oven is turned off
How to Set the Oven for Baking or Roasting
Press th< Bake pad.
p_l(IS to
d 11 llll)(
Press t[le Start pad.
C[l{(k ['o(_[for doneness at
minimum time on recipe. Cook
longer if'ncce_sal3.
Press th_ Clear/Offpad _qmn
cooking is (erupt(l(.
Rack Position
of Food
27" Oven
30" Oven
Frozen p ies
Bor C
Cor D
A or B
Bundtor poundcakes
A or B
Biscuits, m uffins,
Bor C
Cor D
brownies, c ookies,
cupcakes, l ayer
Bor C
Cor D
For27" Ovens: If baking fbur cake layer_
at the same time, [)lace two [ay_ 1_,on rock
A and two layers on rock C.
For30" Ovens: If baking fbur cake layer_
at the same time, place two [ay_l_, on rock
B an(I two la?el_ on rack D.
Stagger pans on the rock so one is not
direct[y above the ethel:
Topreheat, set the oven at the
correct temperature The control
wifl beep when tile oven is
preheated and the display will
show your set temperature, This
may take approximately 10 mktutes
and Pan Placement
Preh{ at the oven iFtile recipe cal[s [br it.
is necessa U for good resu[ts
when baking cakes, cookies, pastl T and
Baking re_,u[lswill be better iFl)aking
pans are centert, d in th( (wen as much
as possible. Pans shou[d not louch each
or tile walls of the oxen. If _ou
need to use two racks, smggt.r the pans
so one is not directly
above tile ethel;
and [eave approximamly
[ ½" belwe{ n
pans, from tile fl-ont, back and sides
of rile wall.
Aluminum Foil
Donot usealuminum foil on thebotiomof
Never entir_ ly (over a rock with
[i)il. This will disturb the heat
circu[ation and lvsuh ill poor baking.
A _ma[[er sheet of foil mav be used to
catch a spil[over by placing it on a tower
l-ack several inches belo_ the ['end.