The channel bank system
The ew 300 IEM G2 systems are available in six UHF frequency ranges with 1440 transmission/receiving frequencies
per frequency range. Please note: Frequency usage is different for each country. Your Sennheiser agent will have all
the necessary details on the available legal frequencies for your area:
Range A:
518 to 554 MHz
Range B:
626 to 662 MHz
Range C:
740 to 776 MHz
The transmitters and the receiver of the ew 300 IEM G2 systems have nine channel banks with up to 12 switchable
channels each.
Channel 1
Channel 2
Channel 12
Channel 1
Channel 2
Channel 12
The channel banks "1" to "8" have up to 12 switchable channels that are factory-preset to a transmission/receiving
frequency (see enclosed frequency table). These transmission/receiving frequencies cannot be changed but have
been preset so that e.g. country-specific regulations on frequency usage are taken into account (see "Type
approvals" on page 39). For detailed information, please refer to the enclosed frequency data sheets and to the
country-specific frequency and transmission power overviews.
An advantage of the factory-preset frequencies is that
the system is ready for immediate use after switch-on,
several transmission systems can be operated simultaneously on the preset channels without causing
intermodulation interference.
Delivery includes
Depending on the purchased system, delivery includes:
ew 300 IEM G2 system
1 EK 300 IEM G2 stereo receiver
1 SR 300 IEM G2 stereo transmitter
2 batteries
1 telescopic antenna for SR 300 IEM G2
1 NT 2-1 mains unit
1 pair of IE 4 earphones
Instructions for use
1 frequency data sheet
Frequency and transmission power overviews
Range D:
786 to 822 MHz
Range E:
830 to 866 MHz
Range G:
572 to 608 MHz
Factory-preset frequency
Factory-preset frequency
Factory-preset frequency
selectable frequency
selectable frequency
SR 350 IEM G2
1 SR 350 IEM G2 stereo twin transmitter
2 telescopic antennas for SR 350 IEM G2
1 mains cable
Instructions for use
1 frequency data sheet
Frequency and transmission power overviews