Cub Cadet Time Saver i1046 Manual Del Operador página 5

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General Operation:
1. Read,understand,and followall instructionson the
machineand in the manual(s)beforeattemptingto
assembleand operate.Keepthis manualin a safe
placefor future and regularreferenceand for ordering
replacement p arts.
2. Be familiarwith all controlsandtheir properoperation.
Knowhow to stopthe machineand disengagethem
3. Neverallowchildrenunder 14yearsold to operate
this machine.Children14years old and overshould
readand understandthe operationinstructionsand
safety rulesin this manualand shouldbe trainedand
supervisedby a parent.
4. Neverallowadults to operatethis machinewithout
proper instruction.
5. To helpavoidblade contactor a thrownobject injury,
keep bystanders, h elpers,childrenand petsat least
75 feet fromthe machinewhileit is in operation.Stop
machineif anyoneenters thearea.
6. Thoroughlyinspectthearea wheretheequipmentis to
be used. Removeall stones,sticks,wire,bones,toys,
and otherforeignobjectswhichcouldbe pickedup
and thrown bythe blade(s).Thrownobjectscancause
7. Planyourmowingpatternto avoiddischargeof
materialtowardroads,sidewalks,bystandersand the
like. Also,avoiddischargingmaterialagainsta wall or
obstructionwhich maycause dischargedmaterialto
ricochetback towardthe operator.
8. Alwayswear safetyglassesor safetygogglesduring
operationand while performing an adjustment o r
repairto protectyoureyes.Thrownobjectswhich
ricochetcancause seriousinjuryto the eyes.
9. Wearsturdy,rough-soledwork shoesand close-fitting
slacks and shirts. Loosefittingclothesandjewelry
can be caught in movableparts.Neveroperatethis
machinein barefeet or sandals.
10.Be awareof the mowerand attachmentdischarge
directionand do not pointit at anyone.Donot operate
the mowerwithoutthe dischargecoveror entiregrass
catcherin its properplace.
11.Donot put handsor feet near rotatingpartsor under
the cuttingdeck. Contactwith the blade(s)can
amputatehandsand feet.
12.Amissingor damageddischargecovercan cause
blade contactor thrown objectinjuries.
13.Stop the blade(s)whencrossinggraveldrives,walks,
or roadsand whilenot cuttinggrass.
14.Watchfor traffic whenoperatingnearor crossing
roadways. T his machineis not intendedfor useon
anypublic roadway.
15.Do notoperatethe machinewhileunderthe influ-
enceof alcoholor drugs.
16.Mowonly in daylightor good artificiallight.
17.Nevercarry passengers.
18.Disengageblade(s)beforeshiftinginto reverse.
Back up slowly.Alwayslookdownand behindbefore
and whilebackingto avoida back-overaccident.
19.Slowdownbeforeturning.Operatethe machine
smoothly.Avoiderraticoperationand excessive
20.Disengageblade(s),set parkingbrake,stopengine
and wait untilthe blade(s)cometo a completestop
beforeremoving grass catcher,emptyinggrass,
uncloggingchute,removingany grassor debris,or
21.Neverleavea runningmachineunattended.Always
turnoff blade(s), placetransmissionin neutral,set
parkingbrake,stop engineand removekey before
22.Useextracare whenloadingor unloadingthe
machineintoa traileror truck. This unit shouldnot
be drivenup or downramp(s),becausethe unit
couldtip over,causingseriouspersonalinjury.The
unit mustbe pushedmanuallyon ramp(s)to load or
23.Mufflerand enginebecomehotand can causea
burn.Do nottouch.
under lowhangingtreebranches,wires,dooropen-
ingsetc., wheretheoperatormaybe struckor pulled
fromthe unit,which couldresult in seriousinjury.
25.Disengageall attachmentclutches,depressthe
brakepedalcompletelyand shift into neutralbefore
attemptingto startengine.
26.Yourmachineisdesignedto cut normalresidential
grassof a heightno morethan 10".Do notattemptto
mowthroughunusuallytall, dry grass (e.g.,pasture)
or pilesof dry leaves.Dry grass or leavesmay
contactthe engineexhaustand/orbuild up on the
mowerdeck presenting a potentialfire hazard.
27.Use onlyaccessoriesand attachmentsapprovedfor
this machinebythe machinemanufacturer. R ead,
understandand followall instructionsprovidedwith
the approvedaccessoryor attachment.
28.Data indicatesthat operators,age 60 yearsand
above,are involvedin a largepercentageof riding
mower-related injuries.Theseoperatorsshould
evaluatetheirability to operatethe ridingmower
safelyenoughto protectthemselvesand othersfrom
29.If situationsoccurwhich are not coveredin this
manual,usecareand good judgment.Contactyour
customerservicerepresentative for assistance.
This symbol points
out important safety
instructionswhich, if
not followed, could
endangertne personal
safety and/or property
of yourself and others.
lead and follow all
instructions in this man-
Jal before attempting to
operate this machine.
Failureto comply with
these instructions may
result in personal injury.
When you see this
Restrict the use
of this power machine
to personswho read,
and follow the warnings
and instructions
in this manual
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