Howto Obtainservice - Cub Cadet Time Saver i1046 Manual Del Operador

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1000 & SERIES
Toobtainwarrantycoverageownermustpresentan original
proofof purchaseand applicablemaintenancerecordsto the servicingdealer.
Pleaseseethe operator'smanualfor information o n requiredmaintenanceand
The limitedwarrantyset forth belowis given byCub CadetLLCwith respectto
new merchandisepurchasedor leasedand usedin the
United Statesand/or its territoriesand possessions,and byMTD Products
Limitedwith respectto newmerchandisepurchasedor leasedand usedin
Canadaand/or its territoriesand possessions(either entity respectively, " Cub
Cub Cadetwarrantsthis product(excludingits NormalWearParts, Batteries,
and Frameand FrontAxle as describedbelow)against defectsin material
andworkmanshipfor a periodof three (3) years or one hundredtwenty (120)
operationhours,whichevercomesfirst, commencingon the dateof original
retailpurchaseor lease andwill, at its option, repairor replace,free of charge,
any part foundto be defective inmaterialsor workmanship.
Normal WearPartsare warrantedto be free from defects in materialand
workmanshipfor a periodof thirty (30) daysfrom the dateof original purchase
or lease.Normalwearparts include,but are not limitedto itemssuch as: belts,
blades,blade adapters,grassbags, rider deck wheels,seats,andtires.
Batterieshavea one-yearproratedlimited warrantyagainstdefectsin material
andworkmanship,with 100%replacementduringthe first threemonths.After
threemonths,the battery replacementcredit is basedon the monthsremaining
inthe twelve (12)monthperioddating backto the original dateof original sale
or lease.Any replacementbatterywill be warrantedonlyfor the remainderof
the original warrantyperiod.
Frameand FrontAxlei CubCadetwarrantsthe frame,and front cast iron
pivot axle againstdefectsin materialandworkmanshipfor a periodof five (5)
yearsor 500 hours,whicheveroccursfirst, commencingon the date of original
purchaseor lease.
This limited warrantyshallonly apply if this producthas been operatedand
maintainedinaccordancewith the Operator's Manualfurnishedwiththe
product,and has not been subjectto misuse,abuse,commercialuse, neglect,
accident,impropermaintenance,alteration,vandalism,theft, fire, water,or
damagebecauseof other peril or naturaldisaster.Damageresultingfrom
the installationor use of any part, accessoryor attachmentnot approved
by CubCadetfor use withthe product(s) coveredby this manualwill void
yourwarrantyas to any resultingdamage.In addition,CubCadetmay deny
warrantycoverage if the hour meter,or any part thereof, is altered,modified,
disconnectedor otherwisetamperedwith.
HOWTO OBTAINSERVICE:Warrantyserviceis available,WITH PROOFOF
localauthorizedservicedealer.Tolocatethe dealerinyour area:
In the U.S.A.:
Checkyour YellowPages,or contactCub CadetLLCat P.O.Box 361131,
Cleveland,Ohio 44136-0019, c all 1-877-282-8684
or logon to our websiteat
In Canada:
ContactMTDProductsLimited,Kitchener,ON N2G4J1, call 1-800-668-1238
or logon to our websiteat
Without limitingthe foregoing,this limitedwarrantydoes not providecoverage
inthe followingcases:
a. Routinemaintenanceitems such as lubricants,filters, bladesharpening,
tune-ups,brakeadjustments,clutchadjustments,deck adjustments,and
normaldeteriorationof the exteriorfinish dueto use or exposure.
b. Servicecompletedby someoneotherthanan authorizedservicedealer.
c. Cub Cadetdoes not extend any warrantyfor productssold or exported
outsideof the United Statesand/or Canada,andtheir respectiveposses-
sionsand territories,exceptthose sold throughCub Cadet'sauthorized
channelsof exportdistribution.
d. Replacementparts and\or accessoriesthatare not genuineCub Cadet
e. Transportationchargesandservice calls.
f. Cub Cadetdoes not warrantthis productfor commercialuse.
There are no impliedwarranties,includingwithoutlimitation any implied
warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No
warranties shall apply after the applicable period of express written
warranty above. No other express warranties beyond those mentioned
above, given by any person or entity, including a dealer or retailer, with
respect to any product, shall bind Cub Cadet. The exclusive remedy is
repair or replacement of the product as set forth above. The terms of
this warranty provide the sole and exclusive remedy arising from the
sale and/or lease of the products covered hereby. Cub Cadet shall not
be liable for any incidental or consequential loss or damage including,
without limitation, expenses incurred for substitute or replacement lawn
care services or for rental expenses to temporarily replace a warranted
Somejurisdictionsdo not allowthe exclusionor limitationof incidental or
consequential d amages,or limitationson how long an implied warrantylasts,
so the aboveexclusionsor limitationsmay not apply to you.
In no event shallrecoveryof any kind be greaterthanthe amountof the
purchasepriceof the productsold. Alteration of safety features of the
product shall void this warranty. Youassumethe riskand liability for loss,
damage,or injury to you andyour propertyand/or to othersandtheir property
arisingout of the misuseor inability to usethe product.
This limited warrantyshallnot extendto anyoneotherthanthe original
purchaseror to the personforwhom it was purchasedas a gift.
givesyou specific legal rights,and you may also haveotherrightsthat vary in
Cub Cadet LLC, P.O. BOX 361131 CLEVELAND,
OHIO 44136-0019, Phone: 1-877-282-8684
MTD Products Limited, Kitchener, ON N2G 4J1, Phone: 1-800-668-1238
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