Tabla de contenido
Bei Fo lien/ Kunststo fftüten für Kinder Erstickungsgefahr!
Das für einen Mo ntageschritt no twendige Verschraubungsmaterial
ist in der dazugehö rigen Bildleiste dargestellt. Setzen Sie das Ver-
schraubungsmaterial exakt entsprechend der Abbildungen ein.
Alles erfo rderliche W erkzeug finden Sie im Kleinteilebeutel.
Bitte verschrauben Sie zunächst alle T eile lo se und ko ntro llieren Sie
deren richtigen Sitz. Drehen Sie die selbstsichernden Muttern bis
zum spürbaren W iderstand zuerst mit der Hand auf, anschließend
ziehen Sie sie gegen den W iderstand (Klemmsicherung) mit einem
Schraubenschlüssel richtig fest. Ko ntro llieren Sie alle Schraub-
verbindung en nach dem Mo ntag eschritt auf festen Sitz.
G eben Sie bei Ersatzteilbestellung en bitte die vo llständig e Arti-
kelnummer, die Ersatzteilnummer, die benö tig te Stückzahl so wie
die unten aufg estempelte Ko ntro llnummer an.
Bestellbeispiel: Art.-N r. 0 7 9 9 2 -6 0 0 / Ersatzteil-N r. 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 / 2
Stück / Ko ntro ll-N r: ........
W ichtig: Zu verschraubende Ersatzteile werden g rundsätzlich
o hne Verschraubung smaterial berechnet und g eliefert. Falls Be-
Assembly Instructions
Before assembling or using the ex ercise cycle , please read the follow ing instructions carefully. They contain important
information for use and maintenance of the equipment as w ell as for your personal safety. Keep these instructions in a
safe place for maintenance purposes or for ordering spare parts.

For Your Safety

Exercise sho uld be used o nly fo r its intended purpo se, i.e. fo r
physical exercise by adult perso ns.
Any o ther use o f the equipment is pro hibited and may be dan-
gero us. The manufacturer canno t be held liable fo r damage o r
injury caused by impro per use o f the equipment.
Exercise has been designed in acco rdance with the latest stan-
dards o f safety. Any features which may have been a po ssible
cause o f injury have been avo ided o r made as safe as po ssible.
Inco rrect repairs and structural mo dificatio ns (e.g. remo val o r re-
placement o f o riginal parts) may endanger the safety o f the user.
Damaged components may endanger your safety or reduce the
lifetime of the equipment. For this reason, worn or damaged parts
should be replaced immediately and the equipment taken out of
use until this has been done. Use only original KETTL ER spare parts.
If the equipment is in regular use, check all its co mpo nents tho r-
o ughly every 1 -2 mo nths. Pay particular attentio n to the tight-
ness o f bo lts and nuts.This applies especially to the securing bo lts
fo r saddle and handelbars.
T o ensure that the safety level is kept to the hig hest po ssible
standard, determined by its co nstructio n, this pro duct sho uld
be serviced regulary (o nce a year) by specialist retailers.
Instruct perso ns using the equipment (in particular children) o n
po ssible so urces o f danger during exercising.
The unit requires a po wer supply o f 2 2 0 -2 3 0 V/ 5 0 Hz. It sho uld
be co nnected o nly to a safety so cket with a single 1 0 -A fuse. Be-
fo re co mmissio ning the appliance pay attentio n to the fact that
the co rrect plug-in po wer supply unit (o bserve marking) has been
co nnected pro perly.
Important: Do no t under any circumstances carry o ut electrical
repairs o r alteratio ns yo urself. Always ensure that such wo rk is
do ne by a pro perly qualified electrician.
Handling the equipment
Befo re using the equipment fo r exercise, check carefully to
ensure that it has been co rrectly assembled.
It is no t reco mmended to use o r sto re the apparatus in a
damp ro o m as this may cause it to rust.
part of the machine comes in contact with liquids (drinks, per-
spiration etc.). This may cause corrosion.
darf an entsprechendem Verschraubung smaterial besteht, ist die-
ses durch den Zusatz "mit Verschraubungsmaterial" bei der Er-
satzteilbestellung anzug eben.
HEINZ KETTL ER GmbH & Co. KG· Postfach 1020 · D- 59463 Ense-Parsit
KETTL ER Austria GmbH · Elsenwang 119 · A - 5322 Hof bei Salzburg
T risport AG · Im Bösch · CH-6331 Hünenberg
http:/ /
lease ensure that no
: wieder gelö ste Sicherheitsmuttern werden unbrauchbar
(Zerstö rung der Klemmsicherung) und sind durch Neue zu erset-
Zum Abziehen des Pedalarms entfernen Sie zuerst die
Schutzkappe und Schraube (A). Halten Sie den Pedalarm fest und
drehen Sie eine Schraube M1 2 (gehö rt nicht zum L ieferumfang)
in die G ewindeö ffnung (B). Nach einigen Umdrehungen kö nnen
Sie den Pedalarm abnehmen (C).
Bewahren Sie die O riginalverpackung des G erätes gut auf, damit
sie später u. U. als T ranspo rtverpackung verwendet werden kann.
Aus fertigungstechnischen G ründen behalten wir uns die Vo rmo n-
tage vo n Bauteilen (z.B. Ro hrsto pfen) vo r.
I mportant: disco nnect the apparatus fro m the mains befo re
do ing repair, maintenance o r cleaning wo rk.
Do no t use a multiple po wer so cket fo r the running belt. If an
extensio n cable is being used, ensure that it co mplies with the
VDE reg ulatio ns.
W hen the unit is no t in use, unplug it fro m the po wer supply.
Ensure that the po wer cable is no t pinched and that no -o ne can
trip o ver it.
All electric appliances emit electromagnetic radiation when in oper-
ation. Please do not leave especially radiation-intensive appliances
(e.g. mobile telephones) directly next to the cockpit or the electronic
controlsystem as otherwise values displayed might be distorted (e.g.
pulse measurement).
Befo re beginning yo ur pro gram o f exercise, co nsult yo ur do cto r
to ensure that yo u are fit eno ugh to use the equipment. Base your
program of exercise on the advice given by your doctor. Incor-
rect or excessive exercise may damage your health!
Any interference with parts of the product that are not described with-
in the manual may cause damage, or endanger the person using this
machine. Extensive repairs must only be carried out by KETTL ER ser-
vice staff or qualified personnel trained by KETTL ER.
Always o bserve the g eneral safety rules and precautio ns fo r
wo rking with electrical equipment.
Befo re beg inning yo ur pro g ram o f training , study the instruc-
tio ns fo r training carefully.
O ur pro ducts are subject to a co nstant inno vative quality assur-
ance. W e reserve the right to perfo rm technical mo dificatio ns.
In case o f enquiry, please co ntact yo ur KETTL ER dealer.
The machine is desig ned fo r use by adults and children
sho uld no t be allo wed to play with it. Children at play beha-
ve unpredictably and dang ero us situatio ns may o ccur fo r
which the manufacturer canno t be held liable. If, in spite o f
this, children are allo wed to use the equipment, ensure that
they are instructed in its pro per use and supervised acco r-
ding ly.
Tabla de contenido

Tabla de contenido