all channels, active fan cooling system with only one level valid for lighting H and
switching off L, control of fan cooling system also with time parameter t.
With F=2, in addition to the parameters set with F=1, is possible to set a parameter
t in minutes, t is the minimum time that must elapse before the device turn off the
fan cooling system. This guarantees a minimum time of activation for fan cooling
system independently from the value of L.
F=3: Independent programming for each channel of all levels P, A, L, H; in this
mode it is also possible to accede to RS485 section. With F=3 the device asks in
sequence the following parameters: Time t in minute, t is the minimum time that
must elaps before the device turn off the fan cooling system. This guarantees a
minimum time of activation for fan cooling system independently from the value of
L. For each channel appears the word CH(n) with n (1-8), by means of the buttons
UP/DOWN you choose if a channel is active or not, in affirmative case, it is asked
to put the P and A parameters.
Afterwards the word FAn appears, with the buttons UP/DOWN you choose if fan
cooling system is active or not for that channel, in affirmative case, it is asked to
put the L and H parameters, in case the channel is not active or fan cooling system
is deactivated for that channel the device asks the choice for the next channel.
At the end it is asked to configure a RS485 section.
The S letter sets the communication speed in bit for second (bps), see the following
• ME 100: S=5 2400 bps, S=6 4800 bps, S=7 9600 bps
• ME 100 V3: S=6 4800 bps, S=7 9600 bps, S=8 14400 bps, S=9 19200 bps
Others communications parameters (not settable) are parity NONE, data bit 8, stop
bit 1.
It is possible in addition to set a delay d in hundredths second between the end of
reception of a valid command (data and address right) and the following ME100 V1
transmission, to permit to the supervisor system to put it in receive mode. The
default delay is 25 hundredths second.
At the end the device asks an address U to work correctly in a RS485 network; the
default address is zero, for this reason it is better not to use this address as a valid
address on the network to avoid that other devices, not yet configured, can cause
a conflict.
Default configurations:
- 15 -