Store Emergency Phone Numbers
Emergency numbers are the telephone numbers that receives SMS and be called when
the alarm goes off.
Control panel will call those emergency numbers for 3 rounds at most, if any phone call
has been picked up with button operation on mobile, system will stop calling the next
Only phone numbers stored in the alarm system can make changes and modify
the system.
Commands from an unauthorized phone number will be rejected.
Editing Accessories
X330-UM-EN-FR-ES-PT-V1.0.indd 11-12
Remote Controls
9 remote controls can be named. The first stored phone number will receive a SMS of
the remote control's name, indicating someone is back home. Deleting remote controls
can also be achieved. If user does not want to receive the SMS, do not name the
remote control.
Wireless Sensors
50 wireless sensors can be renamed. Zone mode can be changed accordingly. Refer to
page 6 when changing the zone mode. Deleting all wireless sensors can be achieved.
Wireless Siren (Sold separately)
Choose to turn on/off the wireless siren or the arm/disarm beep. If you choose to turn
off both siren and arm/disarm beep, neither siren will sound nor beep be heard when
arm or disarm the system.
System Settings
Exit Delay Time
The system can be armed with a time delay. When a delay time is set you will hear
a beep every 2 seconds as a warning of this delay. The beep will go faster in the last
15 seconds.
Entrance Delay Time
Once entrance delay time is set, the sensor set to entrance delay zone will be delayed
to alarm with a time delay. This function makes convenience for those people who
don't want to take along the remote control.
2016/8/19 15:41:10