negative (-) terminal of the battery.
5. Connect the thin black wire c to the terminal loca-
ted in the lower part of the winch motor.
Connection diagram - see section D at the end of the ma-
1. Use a red wire to connect the bolt placed on the
plastic housing of the winch relays with a positive (+) ter-
minal of the battery through the high current switch, e.g.
"disconnecting switch."
2. Connect the black wire B to the earth bolt located in
the lower part of the motor with a negative (-) terminal of
the battery.
dwh 3000 hd
dwh 3500 hd
DWH 4500 HD
DWH 4500 HDL
Connection diagram - see section E at the end of the ma-
The relay has four pins on the front panel a, B, c, d and
three wires coming out of the relay housing, two longer,
blue h and black J terminated with connectors, and a shor-
ter black E terminated with a cable lug.
Connection of power leads - battery - relay - motor
1. With the first pair of leads (red and black) make the
following connections:
- Use the red lead (a) to connect the pin with the c mark
on the relay with the power on the motor marked with a
"+" or with a red washer.
- Use the black wire (b) to connect the pin with the d
mark on the relay to the negative bolt on the motor marked
with a "-" or with a black washer.
2. With the second pair of leads (red and black) make
the following connections:
- Connect the red pin a on the relay with positive (+)
battery terminal
- Connect the black pin B on the relay with negative (-)
battery terminal
3. Connect the shorter thin black wire of the relay termi-
nated with a cable lug with the B pin of the relay
Connection of radio control (wireless).
The remote control consists of a radio signal receiver
and a transmitter (remote controller).
wires coming from the receiver: red: K, black: L, white:
N, yellow: M, blue is the "antenna".
Connect the radio control as follows:
1. Connect the red K wire of the receiver with a pin on
the relay.
2. Connect the black L wire of the receiver with the B
pin on the relay.
3. Connect the white n wire of the receiver, terminated
with a connector, to the longer thin black wire of the relay.
There are five