Tabla de contenido
Alu 1
Alu 2
Alu 3
F1 = Easy Alu Toggle
Reading positions for various Alu
Fig. 5-7 shows the corrected reading positions of the
gauge head (1), depending on the required weight
application positions (2); adhesive weights and clip-
on weights.
The Alu1P mode is included in the Easyalu function,
but must be recalled from the Menu after the gauge
have been positioned on the rim.
Select the menu key:
to recall the required ALu P weight

Fig. 5-7

= Point of application of gauge arm (1)
= Given weight position (2)
normal Normal weight and clip-on weight positions
on the rim flange - this mode is presented
immediately by the Easyalu function.
Alu 1
Adhesive weights applied symmetrically to the
rim flanges with NOMINAL weight positioning.
Function not included in Easyalu mode. After
reading, set mode by using the buttons: ESC
+ F4 + F2 (Fig. 5-8).
Alu 1P Adhesive weights applied symmetrically to the
rim flanges; the compensation planes for the
adhesive weights are read precisely using the
internal and external gauge arm. After reading,
recall mode from Menu F4.
Alu 2
Adhesive weights - Adhesive weight on rim
flange, adhesive weight hidden in rim disc with
NoMiNAL positioning.Function not included
in Easyalu mode. After reading, use internal
calibration to set mode by using the buttons:
ESC + F4 + F2 (Fig. 5-9).
Alu 2P Adhesive weights - Adhesive weight on rim
flange, adhesive weight hidden in rim disc; the
compensation planes for the adhesive weights
are read precisely using internal calibration.
Alu 3
Clip-on weight on left rim flange, adhesive
weight hidden in rim disc. Function not
included in Easyalu mode. Weight positioning
is NoMiNAL. After reading, set mode by using
the buttons: ESC + F4 + F2
Alu 3P Clip-on weight on left rim flange, adhesive
weight hidden in rim disc; the compensation
planes for the adhesive weight is read
precisely using internal calibration.
Alu 4
Balance clip fitted on left rim flange, adhesive
weight attached to right bead seat.
Alu 5
Balance clip fitted on right rim flange, adhesive weight
attached to left bead seat.
Operator's Manual
(Fig. 5-10).
Tabla de contenido

Tabla de contenido