1.6. Protective covers and safety devices
The machines features safety devices aimed to protect the operator from all the moving
parts of the machine itself.
Protective covers: Fixed devices that prevent direct contact with moving or dangerous
machines parts. The cover can only be removed with the special tools.
When the machines are working the safety cover must be correctly fitted.
Electrical cut-out device: Allows immediate shutdown of all machines functions in the
event of a fault. When this device trips the emergency machines shutdown is triggered.
Before the machines can be restarted the device that triggered the stop must be reset.
1.7. Risks associated with use of the machines
1.7.1. Noise risk
The noise level were measured with the machines running as per UNI EN ISO
11201. The following results were obtained:
- Average sound pressure LpA (A) dB 76,55
These figures show that the machine generates high noise levels.
When using the machines it is therefore compulsory for users to wear the
protection such as ear defenders or ear plugs to prevent damage to hearing
over time.
1.7.2. Vibration risk
The level of vibration was measured with the machines running, as per ISO 5349 (2001)
so as to evaluate the vibration transmitted to HAND-ARM.
The following results were obtained:
Level of hand-arm vibration: 3.8 m/s2 assuming an average time of 65 minutes of use
on a working day of 8 hours.
Castellari S.r.l.
Via Lasie 16/E