1. Assemble bowl onto the base. Put bowl on the base and clockwise rotate
to lock the blow. Make sure the bowl is always locked on the base tightly.
See below fig.
2. Insert the auger head and Filler into the bowl, make sure the auger head's
axes must be tightly fixed on the base's axes. See below fig.
3. Assemble hopper onto the bowl: Align the bowl and hopper, cover the
hopper, and then rotate the hopper clockwise .see below fig.
do not switch on appliance prior to imputing materials
Do not operate appliance more than 10min at one times
1. plug in appliance
2. place cups under outlet of juice and outlet of pulp
3. know of switch: ON/ OFF /REV ---see switch button on product
ON-starts the motor and juicing process
OFF-switch off appliance
REV-reverse rotation, only use the function when something is stuck in the
bowl and need to be unclogged
4. Put materials into the hopper to extract juice
5. Ensure pieces are not large to enter into hopper
6. Remove hard seeds or pips or other hard part of material
7. Do not overstuff the hopper or force material in. put material slowly one by
one. the pusher only be used if materials are stuck
8. Switch on juicer to extract juice ,at the same time put materials into hopper
one by one as step4.
9. If materials are stuck or clogged ,stop juicer and then shift switch to
REV to unclog materials. If such action is not working ,stop juicer and