Construction job
• The aperture prepared for the strongbox must be at least 10 cms wider all round
than the box. The security of the box depends on the strength of the installation
• Dampen the hole created for the box.
• Having previously removed the door, now leave the sealing assembly in place
(parts 1 and 3). This is to avoid dust and dirty entering the strongbox and the
opening system.
• Screw the 4 security fixing arms (6) into the security fixing ring (Fig.1)
• Place the strongbox into the prepared hole and check the position is is stable
both vertically and horizontally.
• Prepare a 3 of sand to 1 of cement mortar mix (we do not recommend the use of
quick-dry cement). Carefully fill the hole around the strongbox, ensuring the box is
completely embedded in the mortar. Make good the work leaving the waterproof
lid in place . The lid can be easily cleaned on completion of the installation.
• Once the filling is complete tamp or vibrate the mortar to eliminate any air
• Leave the strongbox open until the mortar is completely dry. This is to avoid any
condensation inside the box.
• Use the box when the work is completely dry.
Fig. 1