blinking. After a few seconds, both symbols will turn steady and the iron will produce a
beep, indicating that is ready to be used. (70 ºC-120 ºC).
Medium-temperature and no-steam ironing.
When this function is selected, the display will show the temperature symbol and 2 dots
blinking. After a few seconds, the symbols will turn steady and the iron will produce a beep,
indicating that is ready to be used. (100 ºC-160 ºC).
Funcionamiento a temperatura alta y con vapor.
Cuando seleccione esta función la pantalla mostrará el símbolo de temperatura y tres
puntos parpadeando. Pasados unos segundos los símbolos se quedarán fijos y la plancha
emitirá un pitido, esto indicará que está lista para usarse. (140 ºC-200 ºC).
Maximum-temperature operating, with steam.
When this function is selected, the display will show the temperature symbol, 3 dots and
MAX blinking. After a few seconds, the symbols will turn steady and the iron will produce a
beep, indicating that is ready to be used. (175 ºC-215 ºC).
Auto-off function.
WARNING: if the iron is operated before above-mentioned symbols turns steady, the iron will not
have reached the correct temperature to vaporize and the soleplate could leak.
WARNING: for an efficient ironing, follow the below settings:
Minimum temperature: no steam
Medium temperature: medium steam
Maximum temperature: maximum steam
WARNING: the iron will only produce constant steam when it is placed horizontally. Constant
steam can be stopped by placing it in an upright position or turning the steam knob to the "no
steam" position.
Steam function can only be activated when the iron is operated at medium or high temperature.
If the selected temperature is low, the iron's soleplate could leak.
By pressing the steam-burst button, an intense burst of steam is emitted from the soleplate.
This function can only be activated during high-temperature ironing.
Note: to prevent the soleplate from leaking, do not keep the steam-burst button pressed for
more than 5 seconds.
Note: for optimal steam burst, do not press the steam-burst button more than three times in a