- Insert the cloth fi lter B in the tank E (Fig. 1).
- Hook up the motor head C on the tank and lock
it up with the two hooks (fi g.2)
- Insert the fl exible hose G into the inlet F (fi g.3)
- Fix, at the end of the fl exible hose P, the extension
M and the bend O (fi g.4)
- Fix in the most suitable accessory (S-T-U-V)
(fi g.5)
- Activate suction by pressing the red switch
A, after having connected the machine to the
proper grid (fi g.6); switch on the suction motor
and adjust the speed (fi g.7)
- Use-examples for dry cleaning (fi gg.8-9-10-11-12)
- If a paper bag is provided, insert it in the tank
on the defl ector (Fig. 13).
- Remove the cloth fi lter bag B (Fig. 14).
- Hook up the motor head C on the tank and lock
it up with the two hooks (fi g.2)
- Insert the fl exible hose G into the inlet F (fi g.3)
- Fix, at the end of the fl exible hose P, the extension
M and the bend O (fi g.4)
- At the end, set the tool Q and fi x, under it, the
riser R (fi g.15) in order to pick up liquids from
the fl oors
- Activate suction by pressing the red switch
A, after having connected the machine to the
proper grid (fi g.6)
- Use-examples for wet cleaning (fi g.16)
- Remove the cloth fi lter bag B (Fig. 14).
- Hook up the motor head C on the tank and lock
it up with the two hooks (fi g.2)
- Pour the detergent product into the tank (fi g.17)
set the tank stopper Y in the tank D and connected
the plug X to the head (fi g18)
- Fix, at the end of the fl exible hose P, the extension
M and the bend O (fi g.4)
- At the end of the bend O set the tool Q if You
want to wash carpets or moquette (fi g.19), if
You intend to wash fl oors or hard surfaces, set
the liquids-riser R under the carpet tool Q (fi g.15)
- Connect the tube K with the tube H and the
tube N with the front coupling of the injection
lever (fi gg.21-23-24)
- Set the end of the small hose H into the quick
fastening on the head C (fi gg.22-23-24)
- Fix the small hose H with the special clips (fi g.20)
- After having connected the machine to the
proper grid, activate the pump by pressing the
green switch A1; to activate motor press the
red switch A (fi g.6)
- By pressing the cock handspike pull towards You
the accessory laying on the surface to wash (fi g.25)
- At the end of the stroke release the cock handspike
and, after having lifted and remeved the accessory,
repeat the previous operations (fi g.26)
- For washing fabrics or armchairs, release the
extension M from the handle P and detach
the tube N from the injection lever. Insert the
upholstery tool I by connecting the tube with
the injection lever coupling (fi g.27). To proceed
with washing, put the upholstery tool I on the
fabric and, squeezing the injection lever, drag
it towards yourself
- Use-example of the upholstery tool I (fi g.28)