Orien FS50OD Manual Del Usuario página 5

Mdquina automdtica para hacer hielo al aire libre
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Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

• Usetwo or morepeopleto moveandinstall ice maker.Failureto do so canresult in back or
• To ensureproper ventilation for your ice maker,the front of the unit must be completely
unobstructed. C hoosea well-ventilatedareawith temperatures above45°F (7°C) andbelow
110 ° F (43°C).
• Theice makershouldnot be locatednextto ovens,grills or othersources of high heat.
• The ice makermustbe installedwith all electricalandwater connections in accordance with
stateandlocal codes. A standard electricalsupply (115VAC,60Hz, 15A), properly grounded
in accordance with the NationalElectrical Codeandlocal codesandordinances is required.
• Do not kink or pinch thepowersupplycordbetweenthe ice makerandcabinet.
• Thefuse(or circuit breaker)sizeshouldbe 15amperes.
• It is importantfor the ice maker to be leveledin order to work properly. You may needto
makeseveral a djustments to level it.
• All installationsmustbe in accordance with local plumbing coderequirements.
• Makecertainthatthe hosesarenot pinchedor kinked or damaged duringinstallation.
• Checkfor leaksafterconnection.
• Althoughthe unit hasbeentestedatthe factory,dueto long-termtransit andstorage, t he first
batchof cubesmustbe discarded.
• Removethepackingmaterialsandcleanthe ice makerbeforeusing.
• Turn on the watersupply tap beforeswitching on the ice maker.Never turn the water supply
tap off whenthe ice makeris working.
• Exceptto take ice from the unit, keepthe door closedin orderto reduceice melting andto
promoteproperice formation.
• If the ice makerwill not be usedfor a long time, beforethe next use it mustbe thoroughly
cleaned. F ollow carefully any instructionsprovidedfor cleaningor useof sanitizingsolution.
Do not leaveany solutioninsidethe icemakeraftercleaning.
• DO NOT touchthe condenser f ins.The condenser f ins aresharpandcanbe easilydamaged.
• DO NOT usesolvent-based cleaningagentsor abrasiveson the interior. Thesecleanersmay
transmittasteto the ice cubes, o r damage or discolorthe interior.
• The ice machinecleanercontainsacids.DO NOT use or mix with any other solvent-based
cleanerproducts. Use rubber gloves to protect hand. Carefully read the material safety
instructionson the containerof the ice machinecleaner.
• Do not usethis apparatus for otherthanits intendedpurpose.


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