Part 8
Blade cleaning
During the cleaning of the blade,
be careful of any accidental
c o n t a c t w i t h t h e b l a d e .
Mop up the front side of the
blade with a dampen cloth and
move slowly from the centre
to the edge of the blade, as
shown by the arrow in the
Clean in the same way the
back side of the blade.
Dry with a cloth both sides of
the blade.
After cleaning, fi x the blade
Insert the fastener and screw
to block the blade cover.
Clean all the pieces in warm
water and washing-up liquid.
Rinse them with hot water and
dry them.
Assemble the machine following
in reverse the procedure descri-
bed above.
Sanitize all the removable parts
and the slicer.
•Wash hands. In a clean basin
or sing, in a solution of clean
warm water and correctly dilu-
ted sanitizing solution soak and
wash the removable parts. Re-
move the parts from the basin or
sing and allow them to air dry.
•Wipe the slicer with correctly
diluted sanitizing solution
•Press a damp cloth slightly
moistened with water and cor-
rectly diluted sanitizing solution
on the front side of the knife and
move slowly from the centre to-
wards the edge; avoid excess of
D u r a n t e l a s o p e r a c i o n e s
de limpieza de la cuchilla,
prestar atencion al contacto
accidental con la cuchilla.
Limpiar cada parte desmontada
en agua tiépida con un detergente.
Enjuagar en agua caliente y
P r o c e d e r a l a o p e r a c i ó n
d e m o n t a j e s i g u i e n d o l a s
indicaciones descritas en orden
Parte 8
Limpieza cuchilla
Poner un paño húmedo en
la parte anterior de la cu-
chilla y desplazarlo muy len-
tamente desde el centro ha-
cia el exterior en la dirección
indicada por la fl echa.
Limpiar en la misma manera
la parte posterior de la cuchilla
Secar con un paño ambas
partes de la cuchilla siguiendo
el mismo procedimiento.
Efectuada la limpieza, colocar
el disco cubre cuchilla.
I n s e r t e
l a
b a r r a
acoplamiento y atornillar hasta
bloquear la cubierta de la
cuchilla .
d e