3. Opera on
3.1 Star ng
Never place the hand on the Disc while it is on movement .
Firstly check if the lid #.04 (Pict.01) is perfectly fi ed on the machine . To start the Garlic
Peeler , .place the Switch #. 02 (Pict.01) on posi on ON . With the machine running, drop
the product inside and open the water to flow during the whole peeling process.
For Model DAL-06 maximum load is 4 kg. The processing me will be around 3 to 5 minutes.
Trough the lid opening it is possible to watch the process to know when the product is
peeled. A er, switch OFF the peeler and wait un l the disc stands s ll Remove using your
hands the peeled product from inside the machine through the lid opening;
3.2 Cleaning
To achieve a good machine cleaning , follow these instruc ons:
1 . Start the machine empty , and let it work during some minutes, adding abundant water
2.Switch OFF the machine and unplug it . Wait for the Disc No.06 (Pict.01) to stop
3. Clean the outside of the housing with a wet cloth.
4. Remove the Lid No.04 (Pict.01) and li the Disc #. 06 (Pict.01) .
5. Clean the Disc using a nylon brush and abundant water.
6 . Replace the Disc inside the machine following the inverse procedure . Take care to have
the Disc fi ng on the central sha pin .
Take good care and use your machine correctly with safety , and you will have good
rewards .
3.3 Cau ons with Stainless Steel
The Stainless Steel may present rust signs, which ARE ALWAYS CAUSED BY EXTERNAL
AGENTS, especially when the cleaning or sani za on is not constant and appropriate.
The Stainless Steel resistance towards corrosion is mainly due to the presence of chrome,