The Rim data freeze condition set is also identifi ed
by the icon shown on the right of the monitor, with the
following meaning:
(Fig. 5-36)
a) Yellow hatching for external and internal detectors,
indicating that the Wheel Data Freeze function is not
activated. For every measuring run after clamping the
wheel the machine will perform the complete wheel
b) Grey hatching for external and internal detectors,
indicating that the Wheel Data Freeze function is
activated. The subsequent wheels will be balanced
without the wheel profi le scan and the machine will
use the data previously detected and saved.
c) Grey hatching for the detector on the outside of the
wheel and grey hatching with yellow only for the lower
part of the detector on the inside of the wheel, indicate
that the Wheel Data Freeze function is activated and
the Laser Pointer mode (previously activated) is ON.
The machine will not scan the wheel and will use the
data previously detected and saved. The internal laser
will still be available for pointing to the areas where
stick-on weights must be fi xed.
Special conditions of the function
Spoked rims:
To split the weight behind the spokes, press key (1) on
the Rim Data Freeze page.
Manually changing a wheel data item:
If you change one of the data in the RIM DATA ENTRY
screen page, after selecting Wheel Data Freeze, the
freezing setting will be cancelled automatically and the
machine will proceed in MANUAL mode, considering
the data just entered. When the next wheel is clamped
on the balancer, the machine will perform the complete
scan of the profi les.