1. Systolic and diastolic blood
pressure values
The cardio vascular system has the impor-
tant function of supplying all organs and
tissue in the body with sufficient blood
and of eliminating the products of meta-
bolism. The heart contracts and relaxes in
a regular rhythm around 60–80 times per
minute. The pressure of the blood applied
to the artery walls during contraction of
the heart is described as systole. The
pressure in the subsequent relaxed phase,
when the heart fills up with blood again,
is described as diastole. You determine
both values in your daily measurements.
What you should know about blood pressure
2. Reasons for measuring different
Our blood pressure reacts like a sensitive
measurement instrument to external and
internal influences. Even slights alterati-
ons can have an effect. This explains why
measurements taken at your doctor's or
chemist's are often higher than those
taken at home. But also such factors as
weather changes, change of climate,
physical and mental stress can affect the