3. Always use fresh potable water before starting ice cube production. To
ensure the cleanliness of the ice, please use fresh water at least once a day.
4. Plug in the ice maker. The POWER light will blink. Place the tray in the
reservoir and close lid.
5. Press ON/OFF button to turn unit on.
6. Select desired ice size. Default for the unit is the large size.
7. NOTE: Please select the small (S) cubes when the ambient temperature is
below 60°F. When the ambient temperature is above 86°F the large (L) size
ice cubes are recommended.
8. The ice shovel will be in the up position and the water tray will fill with water.
9. Ice cubes will form around the ice pegs. The ice shovel and water tray will
drop down, the shovel will move back behind the ice pegs. The cubes will
release from the pegs.
The ice shovel will scoop up the ice cubes and deposit them in the ice tray.
11. This unit will make 9 ice cubes per cycle. It takes approximately 8 minutes per
12. NOTE: For the first 3 cycles the ice cubes may be small and irregular in size.
User Instructions