You can choose the equalization mode that fits your preferences. To do so, on the
music player interface hold MENU and choose EQ Select, and after that choose
one of the 8 available modes: "Normal", "PlayFX", "Rock", "Pop", "Classic", "Bass",
"Jazz" or "User EQ". With the "PlayFX" or the "User EQ Setup" you can personalize
the "PlayFX" and "User EQ" equalization modes respectively.
The playing order of the tracks depends on the selected mode. By default, the mode
is set to "Normal". You can change to a different mode holding MENU, selecting
PLAY MODE and choosing "Normal" (sequential order) or "Shuffle" (random).
You can also set the repeat mode selecting REPEAT MODE at the submenu and
choosing your preferred mode:
"Once" (plays the current file and stops), "Repeat 1" (repeat current track), "Folder
Once" (plays files inside the current folder and stops), "Folder Repeat" (repeats
the files inside the current folder), "All Once" (plays all the files once), "All Repeat"
(plays all the files continuously) and "Intro" (plays the first 10 seconds and skips
to the next file).
To know the amount of free memory, browse to SETTINGS -> System Information.