A P P E N D I X A : U S I N G A C O M P U T E R F O R S E T U P
You can set up your SoundTouch® Wireless Link using a computer rather than a
smartphone or tablet.
Before you begin
• Position your SoundTouch® Wireless Link next to your computer.
• Make sure your computer is on your Wi-Fi® network.
• Obtain a USB A to USB Micro B cable (not provided).
Note: The USB connector on the back of your SoundTouch® Wireless Link is
for computer setup only. The USB connector is not designed to charge
smartphones, tablets, similar devices, or the SoundTouch® Wireless Link itself.
Setting up your SoundTouch
using a computer
During setup, the app prompts you to temporarily connect the USB cable from the
computer to your SoundTouch® Wireless Link.
Note: Do not connect the USB cable until the app instructs you to do so.
1. Plug the power cord into an AC (mains) power outlet.
2. On your computer, open a browser and go to:
Tip: Use the computer where your music library is stored.
3. Download and run the SoundTouch® app.
The app guides you through setup.
4. After setup is complete, disconnect the USB cable from your computer and from
your SoundTouch® Wireless Link. Move your SoundTouch® Wireless Link to its
permanent location.
Wireless Link
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