• Maximum/minimum alarm setting
A maximum or minimum alarm on the analogue input may occur when the
measurement connected to it exceeds a certain threshold.
To do this, use the command:
ADCALARM [type][threshold][hysteresis][delay][delay unit of measurement] where:
− [type]
− [threshold]
− [hysteresis]
− [delay]
− [delay unit of measurement] s seconds, m minutes, h hours
Enter the decimal number with the point as decimal separator.
The hysteresis value is entered as an absolute value and is relative to the
threshold defined according to alarm type. If the alarm is maximum level
the hysteresis is subtracted from the threshold value to determine the alarm
return threshold, if minimum level the hysteresis is added to the threshold
value to defined the alarm return threshold.
• Setting the alarm text
To set the alarm text which will be sent to the contact numbers, use command:
ADCTXT [type][alarm text]
− [type] MIN defines the text of the minimum alarm, MAX the maximum alarm
− [alarm text] any string of max 60 characters (including spaces)
NB: the alarm return text is saved by using the # separator between the 2
messages (the maximum length of each message remains 60 characters)
Example: ADCTXT MIN minimum threshold # minimum threshold return
• Analogue input reading
To know the value at the analogue input use the command:
MAX if maximum alarm, MIN if minimum alarm
integer value or with max 4 decimal
integer value or with max 4 decimal
integer value
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User Manual CODITEL 2