NO:HDD number defaulted by system
Status:Available Hard drive. You could use HDD only when formatting the HDD and inspect its status normal.
TOTAL SPACE: Indicates total space available on Hard Drive.
FREE SPACE: Indicates unused space available on the Hard Drive.
USEABLE REC TIME: Based on current image detail/quality and frame rate, system will show you how many record time
you have left on the Hard Drive.
HDD FORMAT: You use this option to format the hard drive, you can not record files to the hard drive until it has been
formatted. Click [Format HDD] button to start formatting. When selecting [Format HDD] option the system will prompt you –
"Format HDD will loss all the data, do you confirm?" ; click "OK", system will prompt you – "Is formatting..." and "successful
format"; and then system will restart automatically.
OVERWRITE: If you select "AUTO" the system will automatically overwrite the oldest recordings once the hard drive is full;
if you select "OFF", recording will stop once the hard drive is full. It is also possible to define the time (i.e. in days) that the
recording file can be displayed in "SEARCH RECORDING". Select the value (i.e. days) between the suggested options.
USB FORMAT: Use this option to format USB devices.
Note: It is an important first step when configuring your DVR to make sure that the hard drive (HDD) options are correctly set. So,
it is strongly recommended that you do format the HDD before start the first record.
Options in device management include HDD, Alarm, PTZ,
Mobile, Motion and Serial set.
Click [Main MenuDevice Management] option to enter into
the window.
In the [Device Management] screen, highlight and click
[HDD] icon to enter into the window.
When DVR is connected to a HDD, the system will automatically
detect if HDD is normal or not;
If the cable connected to HDD is loosen or HDD is abnormal, HDD
status will be shown as "No Disk", or,
If HDD need to be formatted, status will be shown as "no format",
otherwise, the HDD status will be shown as "Normal" .