Lake Preset Overlays and Application Notes
All Manchester series Loudspeakers exclusively use Lake pre-sets via Lab Gruppen PLM+ and D series L platforms. No other amplifier and DSP platforms are supported.
The Manchester series has a powerful yet simple pre-set strategy utilizing the latest functionality of Lake software, along with new acoustic compensation overlays for
length of array and throw distances required.
Pre-set data is found either via Lake Load Library or can be downloaded from www.turbosound.com
MV212 and MV212-XV loudspeakers each have 2 individual FIR base pre-sets: Full range, and with Subwoofer
Warning: Do not combine MV212 and MV212XV loudspeakers on the same amplifier/DSP circuit.
Warning: Pay careful attention to output patching.
MV212 and MV212-XV modules are based on the FIR 3-way module from Lake software. MOM – Module Output Mixing is used, enabling mid and high bands to be
individually processed and then combined back into 1 output channel. This maximizes performance, whilst minimizing amplifier channels.
FIR3 module from Lake software:
Enabling MOM (Module Output Mixing)
Warning: It is MANDATORY to Enable the MOM in the User Preferences/Designer Functions menu.
How to Enable "Module Output Mixing":
1. Starting from the Lake Controller Home Screen, Click "User Preferences"
2. Click "Designer Functions"
3. Click "Designer Mode" – this enables Designer mode, so added functions can be enabled.
Click "Module Output Mixing" to enable Module Output Mixing
MOM: Output Patching (DSP Module Output to Amplifier Channel Input)
1. Click "I/O Config & Worksheets"
2. To patch outputs, click on the "Modules" button.
3. Select the first MV212 Module, Click "I/O Config & Worksheets"
Click on the magnifying glass at the output side of the DSP block diagram in the right of the screen.
The Patch screen may be all blue or may have some pre-defined selection in orange – make sure none are patched (so all numbered icons are blue)
Assign the LF to its dedicated output section, while the MF and HF must both be assigned at the same output as shown.
Note the Yellow notice: "OUTPUT MIXING ACTIVE"
Quick Start Guide