Supplementals are appended characters (2 or 5) according to specific code format conventions (e.g.,
UPC A+2, UPC E+2). Several options are available:
• If Decode UPC/EAN with Supplemental characters is selected, the scan engine does not decode
UPC/EAN symbols without supplemental characters.
• If Ignore UPC/EAN with Supplemental characters is selected, and the SM1 is presented with a
UPC/EAN symbol with a supplemental, the scan engine decodes the UPC/EAN and ignores the
supplemental characters.
• Select Enable 978/979 Supplemental Mode to enable the SM1 to identify supplementals for
EAN-13 bar codes starting with a '978' or '979' prefix only. All other UPC/EAN bar codes are
decoded immediately and the supplemental characters ignored.
Note: To minimize the risk of invalid data transmission, we recommend selecting whether to read or
ignore supplemental characters.
Select the desired option by scanning one of the following barcodes.
Ignore UPC/EAN With Supplementals (default)
Decode UPC/EAN With Supplementals
Autodiscriminate UPC/EAN With Supplementals
Decode UPC/EAN Supplementals