X-SAFE is a CROSSCALL app that allows you to quickly and easily raise the alarm in the event
of an emergency�
Step 1: Setting up X-SAFE
1. Open the X-SAFE app� It is enabled on your tablet by default�
2. Enter the relevant information: your name and address
3. Then enter the emergency number(s) you would like to contact when you are in need:
a. Click on Make an emergency call
b. Click on the 3 little dots at the top right of your screen�
c. Click on Select a contact if the number is already saved in your contacts, or on Enter a
number if you want to add a number that is not already saved in your tablet�
If you decide to include several numbers in this app, in an emergency the tablet will call
the numbers in the order in which you added them� To change this order, you will need
to delete the numbers (by clicking on the green arrow) and save them again in the new
desired order�
4. You can then choose between two different options to notify your loved ones in the event
of an emergency� You can also combine and activate these two options simultaneously
a. If you want to send an emergency message: enable Send an emergency message and
click on it to enter the content of the message you want to send�
b. If you want to make an emergency call: Enable Make an emergency call
5. You can also configure some of the app features by clicking on Settings:
a. Enable/Disable LED flashing
b. Enable/Disable the audible alarm
c. Enable/Disable the loudspeaker