Machine implementation protocol :
Using the rear handwheel, move the tool plate as far as possible
Put the tube in the machine, then position it 2 or 3mm from the cutting edge of the insert
Tighten the tube with the tightening lever.
Start the electric motor, then slowly turn the rear handwheel to bring the cutting edge closer
to the front face of the tube.
When the facing insert comes into contact with the front face of the tube, continue to slowly
turn the rear handwheel to obtain the start of the chip, then maintain light and constant
pressure on the handwheel to maintain a fine and regular chip
Continue this operation until the desired facing is obtained.
NOTE : A graduation = 0.1mm in advance of the insert, so a full turn of the crank = 2mm
When the facing operation is done, and before stopping the rotation of the motor, let the insert
turn on the spot in order to let the chip escape, then make a few turns backwards with the rear
handwheel to release the insert from the tube
Then stop the rotation of the machine.
Loosen and remove the tube.
Risk of tipping: According to the tube's length, the machine could tip over. If
necessary, hold the tube with appropriate means.
In order to optimize the performance of the insert and in order to
obtain quality facing, it is advisable to reduce the speed of rotation of
the insert to a minimum (motor speed)
If necessary, remove the chips remaining inside the machine.
For this operation, take all the necessary precautions to avoid
unintentional starting of the machine.
SAS au capital de 135 720 € - RCS Romans B414 581 363 – Code APE 2841 Z – Siret 414 581 363 00028 – TVA FR13414 581 363
Original Instruction - ENGLISH
330B Route de Portes Les Valence - 26800 Etoile sur Rhône
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