In the case of a facing tool holder, install the tool holder on the plate, and then adjust its position as
a function of the diameter of the tube being machined (center the plate on the tube thickness).
In the case of a chamfering tool holder, position the tool holder on the plate, install the front part
and then install the tube to be machined. Position the plate tangentially on the tube (to obtain the
chamfer starting point), then move the chamfering tool holder towards the centre, as a function of the
depth of chamfer required: 1 mm displacement = 1 mm of chamfer depth.
Caution, for chamfering only, the tool at 45° allows a maximum chamfer depth of 5 mm, while
the tool at 30° allows a maximum depth of 7 mm.
In order to blunt the outer edge of the tube, the chamfering tool may be used at the same time
as the facing tool (mounted symmetrically). Conversely, to perform the two operations
simultaneously, with full adjustment travel, the tube diameter must not exceed 52 mm.
Finally, lock the tool holder in position by tightening the locking screw (ref. 1), using the Torx
T15 screwdriver supplied (tighten to torque 2.55 Nm).
Reassemble the tool holder plate on the DC65 as well as the front part.
It is possible to mount two tool holders symmetrically in relation to the axis of rotation of the machine.
Check that the tool holders are mounted with locking screws facing outwards.
This mounting balances machining loads which will result in a longer machine life cycle and
also less frequent changing of the HSS plate (longer servicing intervals).
It is also possible to install the facing tool holder and a chamfering tool holder, which enables the two
operations to be performed simultaneously.
Caution, the setting up of the chamfering tool holder is very important and must be very
precise (see 4.1). The chamfering cut depth remains 3 mm with the tool holder at 45°, and 6 mm
with the tool holder at 30°.
Chamfering cut
depth (tool travel)
SAS au capital de 135 720 € - RCS Romans B414 581 363 – Code APE 2841 Z – Siret 414 581 363 00028 – TVA FR13414 581 363
Original Instruction - ENGLISH
330B Route de Portes Les Valence - 26800 Etoile sur Rhône
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