• Battery work
Here you can select
between the different
work modes: Perfor‑
mance, Balance, ECO
and Expert.
The low discharge
voltage and max. con‑
tinual discharge current
change depending on
the work mode.
You can set the low
discharge voltage and
max. continual dischar‑
ge current yourself in
Expert mode by selec‑
ting this mode and then
setting and confirming
the desired value in the
list provided.
• Notification
Here you can select to
receive a notification
on your smartphone if
the battery exceeds the
overheating threshold.
To do this, select the
„Overheated Alarm
Switch" field.
You can illuminate
the battery's charge
level indicator using
the „Battery identifier"
field. The battery char‑
ge level indicator stops
lighting up automati‑
cally after a short time.
• °F/°C switch
Here you can select
between displaying the
temperature in degrees
Celsius and degrees
• Information
Here you will find an
overview of informa‑
tion about the battery.
• Statistics
Here you will find the
number of charging cy‑
cles, discharging cycles