VTech VM3263 Guia De Inicio Rapido página 8

Monitor de vídeo para bebés de 2.8” con luz nocturna y cámara panorámica orientable
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  • ES

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  • ESPAÑOL, página 18
Mount the baby unit on dry wall (optional)
Not Included
You will need to purchase the following
items separately to mount your baby unit:
2 screws
2 wall plugs
• The types of screws and wall plugs you need
depend on the composition of the wall.
• Check for reception strength and camera
angle before drilling the holes.
Use a pencil to mark two holes in parallel.
Make sure they are the same distance apart
as the wall mount holes on the baby unit.
Drill two holes in the wall ( 5.5 mm drill bit ). If
you drill the holes into a stud, go to step 3.
If you drill the holes into an object other than
a stud, insert the wall plugs into the holes. Tap
gently on the ends with a hammer until the
wall plugs are flush with the wall.
Insert the screws into the holes and
tighten the screws until only 6 mm of
the screws are exposed.
Align the wall mount holes on the
baby unit with the screws on the wall.
Slide the baby unit down until it locks
into place.
Adjust the camera angle.
Frequently asked questions
Below are the questions most frequently asked about the baby monitor.
Why does the
Try the following (in the order listed) for common cure:
baby monitor
1. Disconnect the power to the baby unit and the parent unit.
not respond
2. Wait a few seconds before connecting power back to the baby unit and the
parent unit.
3. Turn on the baby unit and the parent unit.
4. Wait for the parent unit to synchronise with the baby unit. Allow up to one
minute for this to take place.
Why doesn't the baby
Perhaps the parent unit is not connected to the power. Insert the adaptor plug
unit and parent unit
into the parent unit and insert the adaptor in a wall socket. Then, press and hold
power-on light illumi-
POWER to switch on the parent unit to establish connection with the baby unit.
nate when the units are
Perhaps the baby unit is not connected to the power. Insert the adaptor plug
switched on?
into the baby unit and insert the adaptor in a wall socket. The baby unit will
switch on and establish a connection with the parent unit.
Why doesn't my parent
Make sure the power is not controlled by a electronic wall switch.
unit charge while con-
The battery may be degraded through extended use or defective. See
nected to AC power?
Warranty for repair/replacement.
Why is my screen in
The screen is in black and white during night-time or in a dark room when the
black and white?
night vision feature is activated. This is normal.
Why do I get glare or
During night-time or in a dark room, the surroundings and other interfering
blurry display on my
factors, like lighting, objects, colours and backgrounds may affect the image
screen when viewing my
quality on your parent unit screen. Adjust the baby unit angle or place the baby
baby at night?
unit at a higher level to prevent glare and a blurry display.
Why does the baby
The parent unit and baby unit may be too close to each other.
monitor produce a
• Move the parent unit away from the baby unit until the noise stops; OR
feedback noise?
• Turn down the volume of your parent unit.
Why does the parent
The baby unit may be out of range. Move the parent unit closer to the baby unit
unit beep?
(but not less than 1m).
The parent unit may not have enough charge for the parent unit to perform
normally. Charge the battery in the parent unit until the battery icon becomes
The temperature of your baby's room may be too high or too low.
Why does the parent
The baby unit also picks up other sounds than those of your baby. Adjust the
unit react too quickly to
VOX sensitivity level to a lower level or lower the parent unit speaker volume.
other sounds?
Why don't I hear a
The parent unit speaker volume may be too low. See Adjust parent unit
sound/Why can't I hear
speaker volume to increase the volume.
my baby cry?
Why can't I establish a
The baby unit may be out of range. Move the parent unit closer to the baby unit
connection? Why is the
(but not less than 1m).
connection lost every now
Other electronic products and wireless products may cause interference with
and then? Why are there
your baby monitor. Try installing your baby monitor as far away from these
sound interruptions?
devices as possible.