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Roller Coaster
For assistance or replacement parts please contact :
The Step2 Company, LLC.
10010 Aurora-Hudson Rd.
Streetsboro, OH 44241 USA
1-800-347-8372 USA & Canada Only
Step2 UK website: www.step2uk.com
CHOKING HAZARD - Small parts. Sharp points.
Adult assembly required.
Falls to a hard surface can result in serious injury or death. Do not install
the platform section of this equipment over hard surfaces such as
concrete asphalt, packed earth, grass, carpet or any other hard surface.
Refer to installation instructions for preparation of this area. Set up track
in a protected environment away from traffic, steep inclines, pools and
other bodies of water. Before using equipment, remove any articles
that could get tangled and caught while playing; including drawstrings,
scarves, jewelry etc.
Instruct children to:
- keep hands, arms and feet inside the car while riding down the track.
- always ride facing forward.
- never use Coaster Car separate from track.
- always wear shoes during use.
Allow only one rider. Maximum weight limit: 80 lbs. (36,28 kg)
Continuous adult supervision required.
•Always check the temperature of the product before
letting your children play on it.
•Remember that the product may cause burns.
•Always be aware of the sun and weather conditions, and do not assume
that the equipment is safe because the air temperature is not very high.
Intended for outdoor use by children from ages 3-8 years.
1. Prepare an area beneath the platform for fall protection. Choose a level location
for the equipment to reduce the likelihood of the play set tipping over. Designate
a minimum area of square feet where platform area of track will be located.
Platform Fall Height: 39 inches (1 m). Playground Surfacing Materials
guidelines for acceptable fall protection are included In this instruction sheet (see
table X3.1). Installtions of rubber tiles or poured-in-place surfaces (other than
loose-fill materials) generally require a professional and are not "do- it- yourself"
projects use containment, such as digging out around the perimeter and/or lining
it with landscaping edging to maintain the appropriate level of loose fill material. This
will also help prevent loose fill surfacing materials from washing away during
heavy rains. This equipment SHOULD NOT BE USED indoors without installed fall
protection. A fall onto a hard surface can result in serious injury.
2. Provide enough room so that children can use equipment safely. Create an
obstacle-free site to reduce injury. Maintain a minimum distance of 6.5 feet (2 m)
from structures or obstructions (examples: a fence, buildings, low hanging
branches, tree stumps/roots, large rocks, bricks, concrete, laundry lines, or
electrical wires). The exit area of the track will need to be longer than 6.5 feet
(2 m). This distance varies depending on the users' weight. Caregivers will
need to carefully evaluate this distance to make sure there is enough room to
safely stop the car.
3. Locate equipment out of direct sunlight to reduce the likelihood of serious burns.
If the equipment faces north, it will be more likely to receive the least direct sunlight.
4. Separate this play area from other play activity areas such as basketball hoops,
sandboxes and swing sets.
5. Check to be sure all connections are tight. DO NOT allow children to play on the
product until it is fully assembled.
6. Minimum number of persons recommended for assembly: 2.
1. Provide adult supervision at all times.
2. Limit: 1 child at one time. Maximum weight for user: 80 lbs. (36,28 kg).
3. Dress children appropriately. Well-fitting shoes that fully protect feet must always
be worn during use.
4. Instruct children:
- not to use until properly assembled.
- to keep hands, feet loose clothing and long hair away from wheels during use.
- to remove articles, before playing on equipment, that create hazards when they
get tangled and caught.
Examples include: ponchos, scarves, and other loose-fitting clothing, bike or other
sports helmets.
- not to walk close to or in front of moving car.
- not to get off equipment while in motion.
- not to attach items to the equipment that are not specifically designed for use
with the equipment, (examples: jump ropes, clothesline, pet leashes, cables and
chain) as they may cause a strangulation hazard.
5. Never allow children to:
- use the equipment in a manner other than intended,
- climb on equipment when it is snow-covered or wet.
- allow more than one child down track at one time.
- use this product when temperatures fall below 32ºF (0ºC). Plastic materials may
become brittle and crack.
1. Inspect this product before each use.
- all connections and bolts for tightness, Tighten securely as needed.
- all coverings and bolts for sharp edges. Replace when required.
- all metallic moving parts, wheels, bushings, washers and axles. Check for
evidence of deterioration and wear. Replace when needed.
1 .Take the Coaster Car indoors when the temperature drops below 32 º F (0º C).
Protect track from extreme temperatures.
2. Rake surfacing materials periodically to prevent compaction and maintain
appropriate depths.
3. For general cleaning we recommend mild soapy water.
1. Recycle when possible. Disposal must be in compliance with all government regulations.
Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para Step2 8516 Extreme Roller Coaster

  • Página 1 5. Check to be sure all connections are tight. DO NOT allow children to play on the product until it is fully assembled. For assistance or replacement parts please contact : 6. Minimum number of persons recommended for assembly: 2. The Step2 Company, LLC. OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS: 10010 Aurora-Hudson Rd. Streetsboro, OH 44241 USA 1.
  • Página 2: Instructions D'entretien

    INSTRUCTIONS D’UTILISATION : 1. Assurer une supervision par un adulte en tout temps. MISE EN GARDE: DANGER D’ÉTOUFFEMENT - Petite pièces. 2. Limite : 1 enfant à la fois. Poids maximal de l’utilisateur : 36,28 kg (80 lb). Pointes aiguës. Assemblage par un adulte requis. 3.
  • Página 3: Instrucciones De Mantenimiento

    INSTRUCCIONES DE FUNCIONAMIENTO: 1. Este producto requiere supervisión adulta en todo momento. ADVERTENCIA: RIESGO DE ASFIXIA: Contiene piezas pequeñas. 2. Límite: 1 niño a la vez. Peso máximo del niño: 36,28 kg (80 lbs). Puntas afiladas Requiere montaje por parte de un adulto. 3.
  • Página 4 VERIFICARE: AVVERTENZE: PERICOLO DI USTIONI - la tenuta di tutti i bulloni e dei collegamenti; serrare se necessario. • Controllare sempre la temperatura del prodotto prima di permettere ai bambini - tutte le guarnizioni e i bulloni per i bordi aguzzi. Sostituirli qualora necessario. di giocare su di esso.
  • Página 5: Bedieningsinstructies

    grote stenen, bakstenen, beton, waslijnen of elektriciteitskabels). Het gebied van de uitgang van het spoor moet langer zijn dan 2 m (6,5 ft) Deze afstand varieert afhankelijk van het gewicht van de gebruiker. AVISO: PERIGO DE ASFIXIA – Peças pequenas. A montagem deve Verzorgers moeten deze afstand zorgvuldig evalueren om er zeker van te zijn ser realizada por um adulto.
  • Página 6: Instruções De Funcionamento

    INSTRUÇÕES DE FUNCIONAMENTO: OSTRZEŻENIE! NIEBEZPIECZEŃSTWO POPARZENIA 1. É necessária uma vigilância permanente por parte de adultos. •Zawsze należy sprawdzić temperaturę produktu przed zezwoleniem dzieciom 2. Limite: 1 criança de cada vez. Peso máximo por utilizador: 36,28 kg. (80 lb). na zabawę. 3.
  • Página 7 E x4 G x4 I x2 A separating Material. (plastic or metal) Matériau de séparation. (plastique ou métal) Un material separador. (de plástico o metal) Materiale di separazione. (in plastica o metallo) Een scheidend materiaal. (plastic of metaal) Material de separação. (plástico ou metal) Materiał...
  • Página 8 Repeat steps 1-3 to second (E). Répétez les étapes 1 à 3 sur le deuxième élément (E) Repita los pasos 1-3 en el segundo soporte (E). Ripetere i passi 1-3 al secondo (E). Herhaal stap 1-3 voor de tweede (E). Repita os passos 1-3 para o Segundo (E).
  • Página 9 2 x Bolt Set #1 2 x Set viti #1 2 x Zestawy śrub #1 2 x Lots de boulon #1 2 x Boutset #1 2 x 螺栓组 #1 1# ‫ مجموعات الصواميل‬x 2 2 x Juegos de perno #1 2 x Conjunto de parafuso #1 2 x Bolt Set #1 2 x Set viti #1...
  • Página 10 2 x 1-7/8” (4,76 cm) Repeat to the other side. Repita para o outro lado. Procédez de même de l’autre Powtórzyć po drugiej stronie. côté. 在另一侧重复。 Repita en el lateral opuesto. .‫كرر ذلك مع اجلانب األخر‬ Ripetere sull’altro lato. Herhaal aan de andere kant. 2 x 1-7/8”...
  • Página 11 2 x 3-1/4” (8,25cm) 2 x 1-7/8” (4,76 cm) Repeat steps 17-20 to other side. (H) Répétez les étapes 17-20 del’autre côté. (H) Repita los pasos 17-20 en elotro lado. (H) Ripetere i passi 17-20 sull’altrolato. (H) Herhaal stap 17-20 aan deandere kant. (H) Repita os passos 17-20 para ooutro lado.
  • Página 12 2 x 1-7/8” (4,76 Thank you for purchasing the Step2® Extreme Roller Coaster™. We’d appreciate a few minutes of your time to complete a brief survey so we can continue providing you with great products. To participate, please visit our website at: www.step2.com/survey/?partnumber=851600...
  • Página 13: Instrukcje Konserwacji

    空间用来安全停车。 na bieliznę, smyczy, linek i łańcuchów, ponieważ mogą one stworzyć ryzyko 3.设备的安置应避免阳光直射,以减少严重烧伤的可能性。如果设备朝北,则 uduszenia. 更可能受到最少的阳光直射。 INSTRUKCJE KONSERWACJI: 4.请将此游乐区与其他游戏活动区域分开,如篮球筐、沙箱和秋千。 PRZECZYTAJ I PRZESTRZEGAĆ WSZYSTKICH INSTRUKCJI CELU ZAPEWNIENIA 5.检查所有连接处是否都牢牢固定。在产品完全组装前,切勿让儿童使用。 BEZPIECZNEGO UŻYTKOWANIA TEGO SPRZĘTU. 6.推荐的最少安装人数:2。 1. Sprawdź ten produkt przed każdym użyciem. 操作说明: Verificare: 1.
  • Página 14 ‫العربية‬ .‫- أال ميشوا بالقرب من سيارة متحركة أو أمامها‬ .‫- أال ينزلوا من على اجلهاز أثناء حتركه‬ ‫حتذير: خطر االختناق - األجزاء الصغيرة. حواف حادة. يجب جتميع‬ ‫- أال يقوموا بتركيب أية أشياء على اجلهاز تكون غير مصممة حتدي د ً ا لالستخدام مع اجلهاز، (أمثلة: - حبال‬ ‫املنتج...
  • Página 15 Consumer Information Sheet For Playground Surfacing Materials FICHE D’INFORMATION DU CONSOMMATEUR SUR LES MATÉRIAUX DE SURFACE DES TERRAINS DE JEUX The Step2 Company, LLC. 10010 Aurora-Hudson Rd. Profondeur minimum des matériaux meubles de surface tassés Streetsboro, OH 44241 USA pouces de (matériaux meubles) protègent une chute de (pieds)
  • Página 16 Hoja de información al consumidor sobre Materiales de Superficies de Juego Informazioni per il cliente sui materiali delle superfici di gioco. Profundidad mínima de la superficie amortiguadora Profondità minime superfici “loose fill” compresse Pulgadas de (superficie amortiguadora) protege hasta altura de caída (pies) Pollici di materiale “loose-fill”...
  • Página 17 Informatieblad voor de consument voor materialen onder de Ficha de informação para o consumidor para materiais de superfície para speeltuinuitrusting espaços de recreio. Minimale ingedrukte los gestorte oppervlaktediepten Profundidades mínimas de material de superfície de enchimento solto comprimido Inch (los gestort materiaal) beschermt tot valhoogte (feet) Polegadas, Material de enchimento solto, protege de uma altura de (pés) Gesnipperd/gerecycled rubber Zand...
  • Página 18 中文 Informacje dla klientów na temat podłoży ochronnych na placach zabaw 游乐场铺面材料消费者信息表 最小压缩松填铺面深度 Minimalne głębokości skompresowanych powierzchni sypkich 英寸 松填材料 保护坠落高度(英尺) Cale (Materiał sypki) zapewniający ochronę upadku z wysokości (stopy) 橡胶屑/回收橡胶 Rozdrobniona/przetworzona guma 沙土 Piasek 细砾 Żwir 盖土木板(非 CCA) Mulcz z trocin (bez CCA) 木屑...
  • Página 19 ‫دليل معلومات املستهلك للمواد املستخدمة في فرش املالعب‬ ‫احلد األدنى ألعماق مواد فرش األسطح السائبة املضغوطة‬ )‫حتمى حتى ارتفاع االنزالق (قدم‬ ‫مواد الفرش السائبة‬ ‫بوصات من‬ ‫مطاط مقطع ألجزاء صغيرة/معاد تدويره‬ ‫رمل‬ ‫حصى صغير‬ )‫نشارة خشب (ال حتتوي على زرنيخ النحاس امللون‬ ‫رقائق...

Tabla de contenido