Ryobi RP4010 Manual Del Operador página 3

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Units of Measure
 Press and hold the UNITS key. Continuously pressing and holding the key will dis-
play the same measurement in meters, feet/inches, inches only, and feet only.
Continuous Measurement
 Press and hold the ON/DIST key once. A "beep" signals the start of the continuous
 Press and hold ON/DIST again to end the measurement. The total measurement will
be displayed in the summary line.
See Figure 8, page 14.
The tracking message appears as lowercase "trc" in the LCD display.This indicates that
the laser is beamed at a surface or object that requires a longer time frame to read ac-
curately. If you continue to receive this message, try to get a reading from a more direct
angle or a more solid surface.
Minimum/Maximum Measurements
See Figure 9, page 14.
The minimum/maximum feature allows you to read minimum or maximum distance from
a specific measuring point. For example, the diagonal measurement of a room would be
a maximum measurement. The horizontal distance would be a minimum value.
 Press and hold the ON/DIST key once. A "beep" signals the start of the continuous
 The corresponding maximum and minimum values will be displayed.
See Figures 10 - 12, page 14.
Distance Addition/Subtraction
 Take a distance measurement.
 Press the [
] key. The next measurement you take will be added to the previous
 Press the [
] key. The next measurement you take will be subtracted from the previous
Repeat these steps as many times as desired. The result will be displayed in the summary
row. The previously measured value will be displayed in intermediate line 2. The value to
be added is displayed in intermediate line 1.
 Press the CLR/OFF key to cancel the last step.
 Press the MODE key. The [
 Press the ON/DIST key to take the first distance measurement (for example, length).
 Press the ON/DIST key to take a second measurement (for example, width).
The area measurement will be displayed in the summary row. The individual measurements
are displayed in intermediate lines 1 and 2.
Adding and Subtracting Areas
 Call up the most recent area function and its measurements.
 Press the [
] key or the [
] key.
 Press the ON/DIST key to take the first distance measurement (for example, length).
 Press the ON/DIST key to take a second measurement (for example, width).
The result of the second area measurement [
 Press the ON/DIST key to confirm the distance. The added area results are displayed
in the summary row.
Volume of a Space
 Press the MODE key twice. The [
 Press the ON/DIST key to take the first distance measurement (for example, length).
 Press the ON/DIST key to take a second measurement (for example, width).
The result of the area measurement from the values already measured is displayed in
the summary row.
 Press the ON/DIST key to take a third distance measurement (for example, height).
The value is displayed in intermediate line 1.
The result of the area measurement is displayed in the summary row; the two previously
measured values in intermediate lines 1 and 2.
Indirect Measurement
See Figures 13 - 14, page 15.
The laser distance measure uses the Pythagorean method (a
distances that are otherwise difficult to access.
These instructions must be followed exactly for best results.
 All target points must be vertical or horizontal surfaces.
 The instrument should be rotated around a fixed point (for example, the stop bracket
is fully extended and the instrument is placed against a wall.
 Use the minimum/maximum feature. Make sure that the minimum value is used for
measurements at right angles to the target. The maximum distance is used for all other
] symbol is displayed.
] flashes.
] symbol is displayed.
+ b
= c
Indirect measurement using 2 auxiliary measurements:
 Press the MODE key three (3) times. The [
be measured flashes in the symbol.
 Press the ON/DIST key to measure the distance.
 The horizontal distance to be measured flashes in the symbol. Press the ON/DIST key
to measure the horizontal distance.
 The result will be displayed in the summary row.
 To take a maximum or minimum continuous measure, press and continue to hold the
ON/DIST key.
Indirect measurement using 3 auxiliary measurements:
 Press the MODE key four (4) times. The [
measured flashes in the symbol.
 Press the ON/DIST key to measure the distance.
 The second (horizontal) distance to be measured flashes in the symbol. Press the ON/
DIST key to measure the horizontal distance.
 The third distance to be measured flashes in the symbol. Press the ON/DIST key to
measure the third distance.
 The result will be displayed in the summary row.
 To take a maximum or minimum continuous measure, press and continue to hold the
ON/DIST key.
Stake-out Function
See Figure 15, page 15.
The function is helpful when staking out equal distances such as placement of wall
studs, etc.
 Press the MODE key five (5) times. The [ -/---/- ] symbol is displayed. A value is dis-
played in the summary row.
NOTE: The default value is 1.000m. This value can be adjusted to the desired stake out
 Press the [
 Press the [
 To increase the speed at which the value changes, hold down the [
 To take a continuous measure, press the ON/DIST key.
 In intermediate line 1, the set distance or the next appropriate multiple thereof is
 When approaching a stakeout point (to less than 0.10 m [4 in.] ) the instrument will
begin to beep. When the point is reached, the beep sound changes and intermediate
line 1 starts to flash.
 Press the CLR/OFF key to interrupt distance measurement. The instrument will switch
back to individual distance measuring mode.
Historical Memory
See Figure 16, page 15.
 Press the TIMER key. The [
 Press the [
also be used in functions.
Using stored values in functions
 To use added distances in area functions (wall surfaces or painters), see additions/
subtractions to add distances.
 Call up the Area function to measure (for example) the height of a room
 Press the TIMER key to call up the historical memory and to possibly search for the
correct value.
 Press and hold the TIMER key. The value is entered into the function and the result
of the function (for example, the area) is displayed.
Self-Triggering Timer
See Figure 16, page 15.
 Press and hold the TIMER key. The [
 The timer is now preset to 5 seconds.
 Press the [
) to calculate
 Holding the keys down increases the rate of change of the values.
 The countdown starts automatically (when the laser is activated) and then triggers the
Switching off the Beep
See Figure 16, page 15.
 Press and hold the the [
This will switch the beep off.
 To reactivate the beep, press and hold the same keys for five seconds.
] symbol is displayed. The distance to
] symbol is displayed. The distance to be
] key to increase the value.
] key to decrease the value.
] symbol and the last measured value are dis-
] key or the [
] key to scroll through the last 10 values. The values can
] symbol is displayed.
] key to increase the value or the [
] key and the [
] key simultaneously for five (5) seconds.
] or the [
] key to reduce the value.