Fault code
Over temperature
The serial is not
The unit is not providing
battery power.
5 . S T O R A G E A N D M A I N T E N A N C E
5.1 Warning indicator
The UPS system contains no user-serviceable parts. If the battery service life (3~5 years at
25°C ambient temperature) has been exceeded, the batteries must be replaced. In this
case, please contact your dealer.
5.2 Storage
Before storing, charge the UPS 5 hours. Store the UPS covered and upright in a cool, dry
location. During storage, recharge the battery in accordance with the following table:
Storage Temperature
-25°C - 40°C
40°C - 45°C
6 . A V A I L A B L E O P T I O N S
Here are the options available :
SNMP vm Minislot card (Virtual environment)
INFOSEC UPS SYSTEM - 15, rue du Moulin - 44880 Sautron - FRANCE - www.infosec-ups.com
Hot Line – Tel + 33 (0)2 40 76 15 82 - Fax + 33 (0)240 94 29 51 -
[email protected] – 07 19 AA 36 205 09
1. Shut down the UPS. Restart the UPS to Check the
fan for operation and if the ventilation hole has been
2. Contact Technical Support.
Connect the serial cable to the UPS unit and an open
serial port on the back of the computer. You must use
the cable that came with the unit.
Shutdown your computer and turn the UPS off. Wait 10
seconds and turn the UPS back on. This should reset
the unit.
Recharge Frequency
Every 3 months
Every 2 months
SNMP communication card
Kit Rack E3 Live 500-1500 RM
Dry contact card AS 400
Charging Duration
1-2 hours
1-2 hours